Chapter 5

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Y/n POV:
"Do you mind telling me what the hell all that was about?" Chuuya asks, quickly running out of patience.

"Okay, I'll explain but what I'm about to tell you is something that not even Dazai knows. He only has bits and pieces of the truth but even that shouldn't have happened. Just, promise not to overreact. It may sound impossible and ridiculous but I promise you that I'm telling the truth, just hear me out for a bit, please," I say, worried that he might not believe me.

"Ok, I'll hear you out. And I'll try not to overreact," Chuuya responds.

"Well, here goes nothing. I'll try to put it as simply as possible. You know that I was taken from another universe, right?" I ask Chuuya.

Chuuya answers by saying, "Yeah, but you were technically born here, right?"

"Correct. In that universe, everyone here is part of a manga series called Bungo Stray Dogs. I have read all of the manga that was written, meaning I know pretty much everything that happens to everyone up until the last chapter of the manga, although the story is still ongoing. For instance, when I first met you, I already knew who you were but I didn't want to say anything because I knew you would question how I knew you. It was safer for me to keep this a secret but my big mouth let out information that I wouldn't normally know about Dazai. But even with all this information I possess, I can't exactly 'predict' the future since the Butterfly Effect is taken into account for me being here. I have no idea if it will play out the same way as the story, or if I'll make things better or even possibly worse. I didn't know what to do," I explain to Chuuya, who'd been staring at me with this 'lost' look in his eyes.

"Did I freak you out?" I ask, nervous that I may have broken him.

"I just need a second to process this," Chuuya responds.

"I understand that. Take your time," I say trying to reassure him.

"I–" He pauses before recollecting himself and says, "I have a quick question."

"What's your question?" I ask.

"How does the future look? Just, generally speaking," Chuuya asks.

"If all goes according to the story, not very well. Especially since I don't know exactly how it ends," I answer.

"I see. So, do you know what's going to happen soon?" Chuuya asks.

"Well, we're currently in a 3-way war between us, the Armed Detective Agency, and the Guild. Later on, the ADA will team up with us to defeat the Guild," I explain.

"Wait, so you mean we're going to work together with the Agency?!" Chuuya exclaims with visible confusion on his face.

"Yup, and you get to be with your old partner too. Later though," I explain with a slight grin on my face.


"Yes, yes. You have to work with Dazai. It's not that big of a deal. Plus, I could go with you if you really hate working with him that much," I tell Chuuya to try and calm him down a bit.

"Wait, really? You would do that?" Chuuya asks me, almost stunned by what I said.

"Yeah, plus I wanna see 'Double Black' up close with my own eyes!" I exclaim.

Chuuya POV:
'Is that the main reason they want to come with me? To see both me and Dazai? Nothing else?'

Y/n POV:
'I really want to see soukoku live in action but I mainly just want to be by Chuuya's side.'

"Also, before I forget, please refrain from asking about specific details in regards to the future. Specific details may be altered so I have no guarantee that they will occur, and I have no way of knowing if it'll be of benefit for you to know that even if they do occur," I explain to Chuuya.

"Okay, got it," He pauses for a moment before opening his mouth to ask something but he gets interrupted by a knock on the door.

"One moment, please," I say towards the person at the door.

"Sorry, go ahead and answer the door," Chuuya says.

"Are you sure? Didn't you have something you wanted to say?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm sure. It wasn't that important anyways," Chuuya reassures me.

"Okay," I say in response and turn my head to the door and shout, "Come in!"

Me and Chuuya were informed that Kouyou had been taken hostage by the Agency.

"I have to inform the boss of this information," Chuuya proclaims.

"I'll come with you," I say, offering my company.

"It's fine. I can go by myself," Chuuya says.

"Oh, okay then," I say, a little upset.

And with that, he left for Mori's office while I stayed in my room. 'I wonder why he didn't want me to come along with him?'

Chuuya POV:
'Phew, that was a close one! I really didn't want the boss to suspect anything since Y/n's almost always around me. Not that I'm complaining...'

I open the door to the boss's office and state, "Boss, we received word that the Agency got to the scene ahead of us and took Kouyou away. We can't act rashly now that one of the top five executives has been taken hostage."

"Right... Okay! Let's kill the president of the Agency! I prefer assassination. If we hire outside contractors, we'll spare ourselves the labor and we can focus on confronting the Guild," the boss proclaims.

~some time later~

"Boss, our assault ended in failure. We've put a tail on him, but I suspect..." I say before he interrupts me.

"Very well. It's all according to plan. And? What about the radioactive tracking element we put on the assassins' clothes?" the boss asks.

"We're getting a strong signal," I respond.

"That's the Agency's secret hiding place," the boss states.

~three separate locations~

3rd-person POV:
Fukuzawa: "Only one of the three organizations can survive. Our only course of action is to fight!"

Mori: "Of course, we'll be the ones left standing."

Fitzgerald: "I'm looking forward to the results."

All: "It'll be a three-way abilities war!"

Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Non-Binary Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن