Chapter 24

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~the next day (7:35am)~

Y/n POV:
I'm currently laying down on my bed since I'm too lazy to get up. I had already done my morning routine but I decided to go back to bed.

'I'm so bored. There's nothing interesting to do. And it's going to be like this for a while. Maybe I'll watch a movie or something.'

As I'm in the motion of sitting up to search for the remote, my phone begins to ring. Curious as to who was calling me right now, I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed it, reading the contact name: Chuuya.

'Chuuya? Why's he calling me?'

Without giving it much thought, I answered the phone.

Me: "Hello?"

Chuuya: "Are you in your room right now?"

Me: "Yeah. Why?"

Chuuya: "I have something that I need to discuss with you. I'm heading over right now."

Me: "Uh, okay. I'll be waiting, then."

Chuuya: "Ok, bye."

Me: "Bye."

'That's weird. What is there for us to discuss right now?'

Nevertheless, I got up and patiently waited in the living room for him to arrive, which shouldn't take too long.

About ten minutes later, I heard a knocking on the door.

"Coming!" I shout, making my way over to the door.

I opened the door, expecting Chuuya, but I was met with some random guy.

"Oh. Um, did you need something, sir?" I ask the man standing in front of my dorm.

"Wow, Big Sis Kouyou must've done a good job if you can't even recognize me," I hear him say, making me realize that the man in front of me is actually Chuuya.

"Chuuya? What's... all this about?" I ask, gesturing to his disguise.

"This is for the infiltration mission the boss assigned for us. Kouyou just wanted to practice first thing in the morning," Chuuya explains.

"I see. Are we having the discussion here or are we going to one of the meeting rooms?" I ask.

"We can have it here. I don't see the need to use a meeting room since I already have all of the information you need," Chuuya says, handing me a couple folders.


After roughly 15 minutes of reading through the files, I got the gist of what we needed to do.

"So, basically, we're going undercover as a couple who are attending this man's party in which he's celebrating a major achievement for his business. But no one knows what this 'achievement' is so we're going to expose what he actually did, right?" I say, making sure I read the files correctly.

"That's the gist of it, yes," Chuuya says.

"Great. Simple enough," I say, looking over the notes about the people we're going to be disguising as.

The couple are fairly newly-wed, so we won't have to worry about acting like a married couple all that much.

Yoshida Saki was rumored to be the jealous type, but not because she was insecure, as most people suspected. She had full faith in her relationship with her husband, but she also wasn't going to allow anyone to throw themselves at her man. Nobody knew about that side of her though. They just saw an insecure woman who thinks of every other woman as a threat.

Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Non-Binary ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum