Chapter 7

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Y/n POV:
I didn't notice it at the time but when I spoke out to tell Yosano about how Chuuya could easily take on both her and Kenji single-handedly, I realized that I probably would have been able to take them on by myself as well. Or at least been just as good as them. It reminded me of the brutal training I had to endure to get as strong as I am now.

It's my first day of training, which will probably just be me getting beaten to a pulp. Fun. After being rudely woken up by my alarm, which I didn't even know was there, I got ready by putting on my "training" clothes, which isn't much different than what I usually wear except that I wore a tank top. As I'm almost done getting ready, I hear a knock on my door followed by, "Are you ready? We need to get going soon."

"Almost, I just need to get my shoes. I'll be right there" I say to Chuuya, who's standing on the other side of my door.

I quickly put my shoes on and head for the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

"You're late" Chuuya says sternly.

"I am not. I still have a few minutes to spare. Plus, I have a terrible attention span so this is actually one of my faster days" I state.

"That's pathetic. Anyways, let's go" Chuuya says, completely brushing me off and walking past me towards the elevator.

"Hey, don't just brush past the fact that you just insulted me! You should be glad I didn't take longer!" I say while catching up to him.

Anytime the two of us are alone together, it's always quiet. Not that I particularly mind. I mean, there's not much we can talk about. Also, talking to me is probably the last thing he wants to do and I don't feel like disturbing him too much. Maybe a little though.

Soon, we reach our destination, an isolated room with a lot of technological stuff. It looks like one of those labs you see mad scientists work in. It looks like they're preparing for some sort of experiment, which I'm not excited about in the slightest. Going all the way to the back of the room, I spot a single chair with a bunch of gadgets and wires sticking into it. As soon as I show no signs of wanting to move any closer, two unknown pairs of arms grab me and force me into the chair. Me being the weak but stubborn person I am, I try to escape but to no avail. Obviously.

A few moments later, Mori walks in from the shadows with a bone-chilling smile plastered on his face.

"Don't be scared. This is just to measure the extent of your ability and the control you have over it. You will be coming here everyday until you can properly learn to use your ability at a level I see fit. I will be checking in occasionally to see how far you have gotten to reaching the level that I want you at. For now, you will be jolted with consecutive shocks of electricity for 5 minutes at a time with a minute in between to rest, until you physically can't take anymore. After each day, you should be able to last longer than the previous day since your ability allows you to take in electricity as well as release it, among other things" Mori says with the same malicious smile stuck on his face.

'This is insane!! He just said that he's going to electrocute me!! I mean, I know anime characters are built to handle all this damage but I DEFINITELY am not!!'

I can't breathe.

It's happening again.

My vision is starting to blur. I can't take it anymore and it hasn't even started yet. Even though I know that crying isn't going to help me at all, I can't stop the tears from falling down my face.

"You may begin now" Mori instructs the scientists in charge of the experiment.

"Yes, boss" They say as they power up the machine.

Suddenly, I'm hit with extremely high voltage, leaving me in excruciating pain. I don't normally scream when I'm in pain, since I've always just held it in but I couldn't hold it in this time. I was screaming so loud that I couldn't hear anything but my own screams and the sound of the machine. Although my eyes were open for a portion of those first 5 minutes, I couldn't see anything. On top of the room being very dark, my vision was blurred from the pain I felt and my excessive crying. The only thing I noticed was that someone had left after the first 5 minutes but I couldn't tell who it was.

Once the experiment was over, my voice was completely gone. Although, it might have been lost during the experiment but I couldn't tell. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even tell how long I was there for. I had just been hoping for it to stop and for the pain to go away. I couldn't think of anything else besides that and the pain I was in.

A random assistant was brought in to take me back to my room since I was in no condition to walk back on my own. I was informed that he would be in charge of bringing me back to my room after my "training" was over. When I turned to face him, I noticed that his eyes were hidden behind his shaded sunglasses but I could see that he had short black hair, with the little vision I had left. I couldn't tell how tall he was since he was carrying me but he seemed to have relatively broad shoulders.

As we finally arrive at my room, he repositions me so that his right arm is supporting my weight while he wraps my arms around his neck so I don't fall. He then opens the door and walks towards my bedroom, where he opens the door and gently lays me down on my bed. He tells me that a maid will come by later to help me bathe and change. I tell him thank you and he nods. He then walks towards the door but stops just outside the door frame. He turns around and says, "Get some sleep."

"I'll try" I say in response, with a half smile on my face.

He just nods again and leaves, closing my door in the process.

'Hmm, that seemed a bit weird. Oh, well. Imma take a little nap before the maid gets here.'

A little bit later, I am woken up by a knock on my door, which I assume is the maid, so I shout to her that she is allowed to come in since I can't walk over to open the door. A lady walks in with a few towels for my bath. She asks me, "How hot do you want the water at?" and I tell her, "A little warmer than half way on the temperature dial." She replies with, "Understood" and goes to turn on the bath. While we wait for the bath to fill up, she asks me what pajamas I want to wear. I tell her, "Just get me a simple black t-shirt and some shorts" (or whatever you want). She puts my clothes in the bathroom for me to change into after my bath.

Once the bath is ready, she turns off the faucet and assists me with walking to the bathroom. She helps me sit to the side of the bath so that I can enter the bath by simply turning my body so that my feet face the bath and then scooch forward. I inform her that I can change on my own so she nods her head and exits the bathroom.

After removing my clothes, I dip my feet into the bath and it slightly stings from the heat touching my pained feet. Eventually, it starts to become soothing as I enter my whole body into the bath. 'This is probably the first time that I've truly relaxed since I got here. Ironically, it happened after I just experienced the most tortuous pain I've ever felt in my life.'

When I was done with my bath, I sat back up on the flat surface next to the bath and quickly dried myself so I could change and go to bed. Since the bath had relaxed my muscles, I was able to go back to my bed on my own, more or less. I did have to cling onto the wall to get there but I did it. Almost immediately after laying my head on my pillow, I fell asleep.
~End of Flashback~

Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Non-Binary ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang