Chapter 4

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Y/n POV:
"The main reason is Atsushi-kun," Dazai finally answers.

"Atsushi?" Chuuya questions.

"The weretiger you're all obsessed with. I wanted to know who put the seven billion yen price tag on his head," Dazai explains.

"You wanted to know so bad you put your life on the line? I'd like to say that's heartwarming, but look where you ended up. I guess even geniuses can end up less than average, eh, youngest executive in the Mafia's history? Well, looks like your luck's run out. After all, you got caught the very day I got back from suppressing uprisings in the West. From my perspective, it was a stroke of luck," Chuuya states.

"Heh," Dazai laughs.

"What's so funny?" Chuuya asks.

"I'll let you in on something. There will be a meeting between the top five executives tomorrow," Dazai states.

"Impossible. That's a meeting of critical importance that only occurs every several years, to determine what direction to tale as an organization. If there were going to be one, I would've been notified," Chuuya explains.

"The reason it's happening is a certain letter I sent the other day to the upper echelons of the organization. So, I'm going to predict this now. You're not going to kill me. Moreover, you'll tell me where to find information on who's paying the weretiger bounty before leaving this room. And when you leave, you'll walk and talk like a little rich girl," Dazai proclaims.

"Huh?" Chuuya says in confusion.

"My predictions always come true. I think you know that," Dazai says.

"What can you even hope for right—" Chuuya pauses before remembering the letter. "A letter? You mentioned a letter?" Chuuya asks.

"The letter said this: 'Should Dazai fall, all your secrets will come to light.'" Dazai explains.

"You bastard! You didn't..." Chuuya says in disbelief.

"So now you've caught a former executive turned traitor. But the package included a letter to the upper echelons that if I die, all of the organization's secrets will be disclosed. If the public prosecutor's office gets a hold of those secrets, all the Port Mafia executives can be executed a hundred times over. That's more than enough of a threat to trigger the meeting," Dazai states.

"The Port Mafia aren't so feeble that a threat like that would make them hesitate. You'll die! There will be an execution!" Chuuya exclaims.

"Probably. But that'll be the council's decision. If you execute me before that decision without permission, your unsanctioned act will be considered an act of betrayal. You'll be discharged or, at worst, executed," Dazai explains.

"And even if I look past all of those factors and kill you, you'll just be happy because you managed to die," Chuuya says.

"So yeah, go ahead if you want. Come on, hurry. Come on~" Dazai teases.

With that, Chuuya takes his blade and stabs the wall right next to Dazai's left cheek, just barely grazing it. He then slowly walks away in frustration from not being able to kill him.

"Oh? You're not going to? 'Chuuya driven out of the organization because of me' had a nice ring to it, too," Dazai says.

"Don't tell me... So your second reason was to force me to make that impossible decision just now?" Chuuya asks.

"Hmph," Dazai hums with a smile.

"In actuality, you were waiting to harass me," Chuuya says in realization.

"It's a reunion long in the making. A surprise of this caliber is only fair," Dazai says as he pulls Chuuya's knife out of the wall.

"I'll have you killed someday, I swear," Chuuya states.

"By the way, you're the one who broke my chains and freed me. If I just run away now, you'd be suspected of aiding my escape," Dazai explains.

"You, bastard!" Chuuya exclaims.

"If you do as I say, I could make it look like someone from the Agency came to rescue me," Dazai says.

"Why should I believe you?!" Chuuya asks.

"I don't lie in these kinds of negotiations. I think you know that," Dazai says as he throws Chuuya his knife.

"Bastard. What do you want?" Chuuya asks as he catches the knife.

"I said it earlier," Dazai answers.

"If it's about that weretiger, Akutagawa's leading the operation. He should have records in the communications storage room on the second floor," Chuuya explains.

"I see. Well, I had my guesses about that," Dazai says.

"Eh?! Just finish what you came here for and get outta here, you ass," Chuuya says as he walks away, waving the back of his right hand at Dazai.

"Why, thank you. But I have one correction: my dream right now is to commit double-suicide with a beautiful woman, like that person who's been sitting on the stairs the entire time, so being kicked to death by you wouldn't make me happy in the slightest. Sorry," Dazai says in response. 'Huhhhhh?!' I think to myself in shock at what Dazai said.

"Uh-huh. Sorry, but you can't have them. I'll try to find a beautiful woman willing to kill herself next time though," Chuuya says, which leaves me even more stunned.

"Chuuya! I had no idea you were a good person!" Dazai exclaims.

"It's my way of saying go to hell, idiot! Let me tell you this, Dazai. First, I meant what I said and second, don't think this is the end of it! I won't give you a second chance!" Chuuya warns him.

"No, wrong! Don't you think you're forgetting something? Don't-you-think-you're-forgetting-something?" Dazai teasingly asks.

"I won't give you a second chance!" Chuuya says in his little rich girl voice, causing me and Dazai to start laughing.

"I do have a question for your mysterious friend over there though," Dazai says. 'Oh? What could it be?'

"What is it?" I ask.

"How much do you know?" He asks with a serious look on his face. 'Huh?! What is he talking about?! Wait, does he...?!'

"—I can't answer that question," I say trying not to give him any more information.

"Understood," he says with his signature grin.

"Wait, what is he talking about?" Chuuya asks me.

"I'll tell you later, Chuuya," I say in a low whisper as I drag him out of the prison room.

Chuuya POV:
'They're both hiding something. But what? What could it possibly be?'

Dazai POV:
'I wonder if Chibi knows. Maybe he does know but he thinks it's something else. Nevertheless, I need to know just how much they know, and how they know it.'

Y/n POV:
'I wonder what would have happened if I had just kept my mouth shut. Maybe Dazai wouldn't be questioning me like this, and now Chuuya. Or maybe this was inevitable. But... how am I supposed to explain to them that I know what's supposed to happen when it might not even for sure happen since my presence is already changing the storyline.'

Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن