62 - An Angel With Devilish Intentions

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Cidney laid back in the water, smiling as he ran over their conversation again in his head.

They promised to talk to each other and be open minded.

Maybe he should have added calmly?

He instantly dismissed the idea. When he lost his temper, he truly lost it.

A lot like my Mate.

He looked down at his arm.

They were married.

He ran his fingers over the thin brown branches. The white cotton balls were spaced along them.

He didn't know what to think about his Mate mark.

Cute? Adorable?

He soaked a little longer before pulling the plug and climbing out. He dried himself with a towel and looked at his body in the mirror.

All of his bruises were darker, but they weren't hurting so much anymore.

He looked at the clothes Khaius brought him and smiled. He pulled on the white boxer and a white shirt. The light blue jeans were comfy, as was the oversized lavender sweater.

He pulled his hair back into a bun before bending to pick up his clothes. He made it halfway down before gasping as pain shot through him.

By the time he reached his armor, the door opened and Khaius was walking towards him. The man snatched up Cidney's clothes from the floor, then took his arm and helped him back to his feet.

"Next time, call," Khaius chided.

"Well, I thought I could get it," he muttered as they left the bathroom.

"This link might come in handy," Khaius sent. "I can keep a better eye on you."

"Oh, great." Even his own thought was sarcastic.

Khaius bit back a laugh as he tossed Cidney's armor into a bedroom he hadn't been in yet. He was too tired to ask.

They joined Aveo and Qlide in the living room.

He sat in the middle of the sofa next to Aveo. Qlide took his other side.

Khaius stood across the coffee table with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Alright, we have an angel in the city summoning demons," Khaius stated. "And he's after my husband."

The anger coming from Khaius was making Cidney's shoulders tight. He tried to block him and it helped, but it was more of a sheer curtain over a window rather than a wall.

"That's not something I thought I'd ever hear," Aveo muttered, bringing his attention back to the conversation.

"At least that explains why we couldn't figure out those symbols," Cidney offered, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "My mom and I never went over angels."

"That does explain why there was every kind of symbol for every kind of demon known. Not to mention all the information on almost every species we know of," Khaius said.

"I'm sorry, can you guys explain this to me," he asked them. "Why are angels bad?"

Aveo's arm laid across the back of the couch. "It's not that they're bad, lad. It's that they are psychopaths."

He raised an eyebrow at that.

"We don't know if they are still working for God or not, but they've become twisted," Khaius explained. "They have determined that humanity is worthless and should be eradicated. They are worse than demons at this point."

"Demons do like hiding and staying on earth," Cidney shifted, trying to get comfortable. But between his bruises and Khaius's anger that he can feel through their link, it wasn't happening.

"Well, angels don't," Aveo countered. "They only show up to destroy and kill."

"I'm amazed that it's managed to stay hidden this long," Khaius stated. "They are usually all for exposing themselves to the world while trying to set it ablaze."

"That is weird," Aveo said. "This one's staying hidden while using demons to do the destroying."

"Clever," Khaius muttered before looking to Cidney. "With an angel in the city... Cidney, I would feel much better if you had someone with you at all times."

He sighed. "I can handle-"

"Lad, this isn't about what you can handle," Aveo stated. "No gargoyle can take an angel one on one."

"So, this is just your usual 'there's an angel in town, buddy up' procedure?" he asked.

"Yes," Khaius answered. Then he sent, "It would also help put your Mate at ease."

An urge to grab Cidney and run came through the link. The feeling was edged with bone deep fear.

It took his breath away for a moment.

That was so not fair.

"Alright. I'll buddy up," he agreed.

The relief that came through the link left him weak kneed. How was Khaius not showing it at all?

I guess I really didn't realize how much going off on my own bothered him and made him anxious.

"Thank you," Khaius said.

He met his eyes.

"No fair using the link like that," he sent.

Khaius's lips twitched.

"Thanks for not fighting us on this," Aveo said.

"I'm not completely unreasonable," he said before leaning forward. "So, what's the plan for taking it down?"

Khaius took a breath and let it out. "We're going to have to ignore the demons and hunt the angel."

He went still. "Wait, we can't do that. People will die."

"We don't like it but if we can cut off any more demons from coming through, then we can take them out," Aveo explained.

"We only have two left," he pointed out. "If we leave with the sunrise, that should give us more than enough time to take them both out before they could hurt more people."

"One, actually. We got the Wish Demon this afternoon," Khaius countered.

"He's got a point, boss," Aveo said.

Khaius looked at the coffee table, his eyes unfocused.

"The Wrath Demon is still out there. Khaius, we can't let it live much longer," he sent to him. "The angel seems to have it under control now, but once it's free of that..."

Khaius nodded before lifting his head. "You're right. We can take care of the last one within a few hours."

"So, that's the plan?" Aveo asked.

Khaius nodded. "Yes, we'll take the last demon out in the early morning, then start hunting the angel."

"Then I'm going back to my apartment," he announced. "I'm exhausted."

"Cidney." Khaius's voice got his attention before he could even stand up. "With an angel in the city, I would appreciate it if you stayed here."

"But I'm just across the hall," he pointed out. "Were you not going to..." The thought was sent before he realized it.

Khaius's eyes met his. "Of course I am. But with the others this close, it's much safer. And it would help me relax tonight."

That's true. Through the link, Cidney could feel Khaius's energy, he was like a live wire right now. Besides, with their description of angels, safer sounded good to him.


Aveo looked between the two of them. "Okay, I expected a fight, or at the very least an argument. What's with you two?"

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