51 - A Family Move

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Cidney instantly dropped to his chest, hiding himself against Khaius; just as quickly, Khaius covered him with the sheet.

"Whoa! Okay, you ARE in here." Aveo announced, shocked.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Khaius shouted, wrapping his arms around Cidney as he buried his burning face into the crook of Khaius's neck.


Khaius grabbed his pillow and chucked it at Aveo. "Get the fuck out!"

The door shut quickly.

"Oh my gosh..." he said, his voice embarrassed.

Khaius held him close as he brushed Cidney's sweaty hair from his face.

"I'm sorry." Khaius assured him before kissing his cheek. His hand ran down his spine then back again, comforting him as he tried to stop his face from burning.

When he could, he rested his temple on Khaius's arm so he could look up at him.

The man's face was soft, his eyes worried as he looked down at him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm embarrassed." he admitted.

Khaius frowned. "You're beautiful, you have nothing to be embarrassed about."

"That's not what I mean," he explained. "I'm just... really private when it comes to intimate things." He cleared his throat, "I just, I don't want anyone else seeing..."

Khaius's face became understanding. "Yes, I understand. Me too." He carefully slid from him before rolling them to their sides. He pulled back, making sure the sheet still covered Cidney. "I'll kill him now."

Khaius went to get up. Cidney pulled him back because he didn't sound like he was joking.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

Khaius's face softened but his eyes were hard as his hand cupped Cidney's face. "I'm going to beat the hell out of him," he stated. His fingers stroked his cheek. "No one else is allowed to see you naked."

He held his hand to his face as he thought about it. He was kinda upset with Aveo.

Who didn't knock these days?

But then, the big guy was a sweetheart, and maybe they don't usually knock back in their community?

What the hell am I thinking?

"Just remind him to knock, please."

Khaius's lips twitched. "I will." He leaned down and kissed Cidney gently.

Their kiss grew softer as Khaius's lips took more of his. Cidney pulled away reluctantly with a small grin.

"I need to get ready for the day," Cidney stated.

"Alright, then come over to the other apartment for breakfast," Khaius said.

Khaius pecked his forehead before he got out of bed. Cidney watched as he pull on his pajama bottoms.

When Khaius finished tying them, he went to the door. He looked back, his eyes running over Cidney, a small satisfied smile on his lips before he left the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

He laid back and grinned like an idiot.

Last night had been... wow. Amazing? World shaking?

He couldn't even put a proper word to it.

He had to get up.

They had demons to kill, but at least this morning, Cidney got out of bed with a smile.

Ancient Wings : Book 1 - AegisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora