9 - This Way And That Way

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Rageon went to open his mouth.

"No, Rageon, he's right," the priest from the corner announced. He stepped forward and took the chair behind the desk carefully. His hair was silver and his eyes a sparkling blue. He carried the tattoos as well.  

He looked at Cidney. "We struggled for five years before the demon population suddenly dropped and the other species stopped warring with each other. It took us three more years to understand it was you. You didn't try to contact us, but you managed to bring peace among the supernatural species of the city."

"I wasn't raised with my kind," he explained. "I didn't even know about Paragons until last night."

The priest nodded. "That makes sense. We didn't know what you were; you were helping, so we left you be." He smiled. "And you were a gargoyle the whole time." The priest looked to Khaius. "Talk about irony."

Cidney grinned.

The priest continued talking. "I'm Father Koen. Whatever you need, the Paragons will answer."

Rageon muttered a curse behind the priest but everyone ignored him.

"Here's the current situation. Someone has shut the Strath." Khaius announced. "Which means-"

He tuned Khaius out as he got up and started pacing. He needed to stretch his legs. He paced from Aveo on one side of the room to Qlide on the other.

Aveo would smirk at him or wink before he turned. Qlide ignored him. Cidney's mind was running through ideas on how to catch this demon before anyone else got killed.

He was on his thirty-third lap when he sighed. He knew exactly what he had to do.

He'd need some back up.

He eyed Aveo.

Aveo looked about ready to explode. Cidney caught his eye then tilted his head out toward the chapel. Aveo raised an eyebrow.

He headed to the door, muttered something about a restroom and slipped out into the chapel. Aveo wasn't far behind.

He waited until they were in the middle of the chapel before saying anything.

"I'm ready to go demon hunting. How about you?" he asked cheerfully.

Aveo chuckled deep in his chest. "And here I thought you'd snuck me out for a chance to hit a pub," he said with a grin.

He laughed and shook his head. "Sorry, Aveo. Maybe later."

Aveo shrugged. "Demon hunting? Always, lad. But we need Khaius on board," he advised.

He sighed.

"He's in a meeting that doesn't seem to be ending and we only have until nightfall before it kills again," he reminded him as he started to back up. "I'm leaving, so if you want to take down a demon, this is your last chance," he offered before turning around and heading out of the church.

He was almost to the curb when the church doors opened.

"You're not going alone, lad," Aveo called.

He turned, smiled and waited until he caught up.

"Where's your weapon stash?" Aveo asked.

"Back home," he told him.

Aveo grinned as he waved down a cab. Cidney gave the driver the address of his apartment.

When they arrived, they didn't go to his apartment. Instead they walked across the street to the parking garage where his car was parked. His '68 Shelby Mustang was a beauty, black and chrome with a perfect body.

Ancient Wings : Book 1 - AegisWhere stories live. Discover now