25 - Disarray

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= Khaius =

The room grew silent as all eyes moved to Khaius.

"Load up."

The others pushed away from the counter or stood straight. Both Aveo and Qlide looked at Cidney with concern before they went to load up.

It bothered him. Cidney was his Pair, not theirs.

Then it was just the two of them in the apartment again. "Would you like to join us for the sweep?" he asked carefully.

Cidney eyed him. "Um, thank you, but I have to work," he said in a neutral voice.

He bit back his disappointment. Cidney really had no interest in becoming part of the team.

"At the bookstore?" he asked calmly.

Cidney's eyes sparked. "Yes," he said, his voice still neutral. His eyes were sad before he turned and filled his coffee mug again.

What was that?

"Cidney, I think your work at the bookstore is distracting you from your duty," he informed him.

As Cidney put the carafe back, his sweater slipped down one shoulder, showing the skin of his shoulder and the crest of a wing marking. He turned back to him with a strained smile.

"I have to work, Khaius," he began, his voice tired. "It pays for my apartment, food. You know, living expenses."

He reminded himself to be patient.

"Gargoyles have unlimited access to funds," he explained. "All we have to do is bring you home and have you registered. Then you can come back and you'll be able afford anything."

Cidney was stirring the cream and sugar in his coffee, his mouth a tight line. "I'm not sure that's a good idea," he said softly.

Cidney looked up and met his gaze. It still impressed Khaius that he could; most turned away from his eyes.

"And I like working, I like making my own way."

"There's no reason you have to stay." He tried again to get him to understand.

Cidney's eyes narrowed on him. "You and the other gargoyles have pulled back," he stated, his voice firm. "You left the humans to the predators of this world. You abandoned them. I'd say that's a good enough reason to stay." He pressed his lips together and looked away from him.

"It wasn't an easy decision for the Council," he replied, his own temper rising.

"How would you know?" Cidney asked directly. "Were you in the room when they made the decision?"

"Yes, my position as Historian comes with a seat on the Council of Elders," he announced.

Cidney eyed him and sighed. "That explains a lot," he said to himself. He tucked a loose hair behind his ear and shook his head. "I don't know what you want from me, Khaius."

"I would like you to go on this sweep with us," he told him. "I want you to start learning how we do things. Become part of our team."

"Why? So, I might go back with you?" Cidney asked, his eyes flashing.

That had been the idea.

"We're doing the sweep," he told him, his voice cold. "Are you coming or not?"

Cidney rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I hate to break it to you, but this sweep is a waste of time," he announced with a small smile. "It's covered already."

Ancient Wings : Book 1 - AegisWhere stories live. Discover now