7 - Missing Fundamentals

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= Khaius =

Someone had hit him!

Khaius reined in his temper as he turned back to the others.

"You let him go into a werewolf bar?" he asked in a deadly calm voice.

Aveo sighed. "LET really isn't the word for it, boss. He was already inside before we got there."

Qlide shot Aveo a look.

"Fine, before I got there."

Khaius turned to Qlide. "Why did you allow him to go in?"

Qlide's posture grew tense as he pulled out his phone. Khaius' phone vibrated.

Qlide: Several wolves said hi to him outside. It seemed like nothing new. I saw no safety issue.

Qlide must have used what was left of his voice to talk to Cidney.

He couldn't blame him, Cidney was... he shoved that thought away.

"And the bar fight?" Kraten asked.

"He held his own until we got inside. And he would have been fine even if we didn't interfere," Aveo explained.

"You don't know that," Khaius pointed out. "From now on, he doesn't go anywhere without an escort. Understood?"

Everyone said yes. He didn't care if Cidney liked it or not. He couldn't go walking around unguarded.

The bathroom door opened. Cidney came out, the blood gone from the corner of his lips.

Cidney's eyes ran over the squad. "Is anyone hungry? Thirsty?" he asked, nervously pushing up the sleeves of his blue V-neck.

Everyone said no. The room was tense as he moved between all of them to the sofa.

The right side of Cidney's face was starting to bruise a little. A wolf must have gotten a shot in before Aveo and Qlide could interfere.

The injuries on his face had Khaius struggling for control.

Damn it, Khaius, lock it down.

Aldric's voice rang through his mind.

He planted his feet in front of the fireplace. He wasn't going to him, he wasn't going to be The Pairing's bitch.

Aveo headed to the kitchen while everyone settled on the sofa and chairs.

"Are you dizzy? Any nausea?" Kraten asked.

"I'm okay," Cidney insisted to Kraten.

Aveo dropped to the sofa on the other side of Cidney, then handed him the ice pack.

Cidney smiled as he took it. "Is it starting to show?" he asked dryly.

"Aye," Aveo said as he rested his arm along the back of the couch behind Cidney.

Khaius fought back the impulse to knock it off the couch.

Rein it in, Khaius!  

"Thanks." Cidney held the pack to his face.

"We've got a Hunger Demon in the city with three kills," he announced. His gaze went to Cidney. "I want one of us with you at all times, as a precaution."

Cidney's shoulders grew tense as he let out a calming breath.

"I don't think that's necessary," Cidney said.

He ignored him. It was the only safe thing to do.

"We'll be using Cidney's apartment as our base of operations."

Ancient Wings : Book 1 - AegisWhere stories live. Discover now