58 - The Target

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They were at the crime scene of the Rakasha.

Being cannibals that enjoyed blood more than flesh, it wasn't a pretty sight.

Cidney did his usual tracking spell, only this time it didn't work.

"Huh, that's new," he muttered as he squatted on the spot and ran his hand over the area.

The energy above the blood was thicker. Only by a fraction, barely there, but enough.

A cloaking spell.

"What's wrong?" Khaius asked.

He closed his eyes and ran his fingers over the energy, finding its shape. "This one has a cloaking spell. Interesting..."

He focused on finding the energy connection, what was fueling it. Certain magic needed to be performed and powered only once.

Cloaking spells were different. They needed a constant stream of energy, and that energy was usually from the one it was attached to, unless someone else wanted to power it.

Since they were dealing with demons here, he doubted one of them would be that accommodating.

He could blast the spell, overload it, or even cut it off from its energy source, but then it'd know and could go on a killing spree.

He wanted this one to stay in hiding and away from people.

There. He found the energy line.

He stood, focusing on it.

"We're going to have to feel this one out. This is going to take some focus," he warned. "Please don't let me walk into the street."

Khaius was beside him in a heartbeat, his hand taking Cidney's.

Cidney closed his eyes, concentrating on the energy line. He started walking, following the line.

It took time, more time than he'd like. When he lost it, they had to turn back and find the trail again.

Aveo was strangely quiet as they walked towards a school, an elementary school.

Oh God.

"Schools are out on vacation, right?"

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Yeah, they're on vacation," Kraten answered.

He let out a relieved breath. Then another thought hit him.

"What about the teachers?" he asked the group.

They were quiet.

That wasn't good.

He moved faster, following the trail to the school steps.

He sighed and looked to the others. Everyone's face was grim. He started up the steps first.

The door was unlocked.

Please let none of the children have come to play on the playground.

The halls of the school were silent.

The scent of blood hit Cidney's nose. Aveo cursed.

He led them down the left hallway, past the office and classrooms. The spell led upstairs.

"The third door on the right," he whispered.

They all shared looks. Khaius made hand gestures.

"What the heck does that mean?" he asked, frustrated. He gotta learn those military hand signals.

"He's just saying he'll take point and act as a distraction while everyone else surrounds it," Aveo answered.

Khaius gestured to Cidney and pushed his hand away from him twice.

He understood that.

Stay back. Yeah, yeah. That was already clear.

He just nodded. Everyone pulled out weapons as they moved down the hallway.

When they reached the doorway, he stayed in the back as directed. Khaius moved through the door quickly followed by the rest of them.

The Rakasha was crouching on the head of a woman, its long nails cutting flesh and pulling it to its lips. Bodies were torn apart, pieces here and there. Blood soaked the floor that your feet squished when you took a step.

It turned to them, its long, sharp teeth bared in a gruesome smile. "Gargoyles... So glad you could come. Your kind is tasty."

The guys moved in.

A pink sweater caught Cidney's eye.

A little girl's body lay among the other body parts. Her face was towards him, her blue eyes frozen and unseeing.

Dead. Lifeless.

So much instore for a little's girls future... gone in an instant, just like that.

Rage built in his belly.

Cidney turned back to the fight just in time to watch it jump up to the corner of the ceiling, cackling. He snapped.

He raised his hand and reached out as if to grab it physically. He wrapped energy around its waist. He made the motion of slamming it to the floor.

It was still cackling as it dove face first into the floor, splintering the wood around it.

The guys turned to him as he walked up to the circle around the Rakasha, his fury burning.

He flipped his curled hand over. The Rakasha flipped then slammed down hard again.

It continued to cackle and squirm under his hold, at least until it saw him.

"It's YOU. HE told us about you," it said in a hiss as it continued to squirm.

His brows furrowed.

"He's coming for you and you can't stop him," It sniggered, its hands gleefully clapping.

Blood boiling, Cidney closed his hand and turned it hard. Bones crunched as the Rakasha screeched in pain.

He met its yellow eyes.

"Who told you about me?" he demanded.

It cackled before answering.


He debated going into a demon's mind to find the answer. Weighed the risks versus the reward.

Cidney sighed. He didn't like those odds.

"He'll make you HIS," the demon laughed.


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