3 - The Complication

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= Khaius =

As soon as Kraten was out the door, Khaius took a deep breath.

It was him.

He looked at his coffee and tried to think.

The moment he had laid eyes on Cidney, he felt a tug in his soul.

Shoulder length light caramel brown hair with a streak of silver at the right side, captivating violet eyes, high cheekbones, small button nose and perfect lips on a breathtaking and innocent face.

Fair skin and a height that only reaches his chest, Cidney never showed intimidated or scared of him.

A part of him was still reeling. The other was trying not to smile.

For the first time in centuries, there was a reason to hope.

His mind ran over their conversation. He closed his eyes and cursed.

'What kind of music do you enjoy?'

Really, Khaius? What is wrong with you? You are almost five hundred years old.

Normally, seducing omegas, no matter the gender was easy; it came naturally- not that he had done it before.

But with Cidney?

He sighed and looked out the window.

Talking to Cidney, all his experience disappeared in a puff of smoke. His entire life had just changed, and for once, it was for the better.

Wanting to smile, he pulled his phone out of his suit jacket pocket. He hit the name he was looking for and waited.

"Yes," the male's voice demanded.

"I've found him," he stated.

And he was more than I ever expected.

Aldric sighed. "Good. Bring him home tonight."

"He doesn't want to leave. There's what looks like a demon kill in the city; he intends to investigate," he explained, trying not to bristle at the order.

"I don't care what you have to do. Get him back here," Aldric growled.

Aldric might not care, but Khaius did. He wasn't about to drag Cidney back to the community if he didn't want to go.

"He's also my Pair." His body grew tense as the silence stretched.

"Listen to me, Khaius." Aldric's tone was hard. "You are in a dangerous situation. Keep him at arm's length, otherwise you risk losing your self-control. Do you understand?"

The world stopped.

No. I wouldn't ... not with him. This was my only chance.

He swallowed hard. "I'm not my parents," he told him.

"But you are of your parents' bloodlines," Aldric reminded him. "Remember what happened to them?"

"Yes," he answered.

He'd never forget it. Aldric made sure of it.

Everything in him was screaming that Aldric was wrong. That he could handle it. But if he was mistaken, Cidney will be the one to pay the price.

Aldric was right. I couldn't have him.

Khaius closed his eyes as every hope he ever had flickered out.

What did he expect? Something good in his life?

That was for other gargoyles, not me.

"You can't be with him and keep control," Aldric lectured. "Do you understand?"

Ancient Wings : Book 1 - AegisWhere stories live. Discover now