Chapter 46 Superpower Detection

Start from the beginning

Tester: ...What evil has he done?

Carefully sit back down holding your neck.

Get ready for them to test the next one.

The three carrot heads who originally came in with them have finished the test and left. Fortunately, there is not only one room where you can test, otherwise you would have to worry about the people lining up outside!

The test officer stiffened his neck and brought the two of them to a screen and explained: "This is a strength test screen. By gathering the strongest supernatural attacks, your true strength level can be measured. The small screen on the left displays Superpower level, the small screen on the right shows the superpower strength level."

Mu Qing was eager to try. He was the first to step forward, gathered a green ball of light, and threw it at it. The screen on the left shows the beginning of level three, and the screen on the right shows the post-level three.

The tester nodded with satisfaction and said: "Early stage of third level of superpower, late stage of third level of strength."

Mu Qing was not very satisfied with the result. He felt that he could be even more powerful.

What Mu Qing didn't know was that the wood-type supernatural energy group was not his most powerful attack method. Wood-type superpowers are not originally attack-based. If Mu Qing directly attacks with his fists, the attack power may be even higher. Not to mention Mu Qing also has a big killer like Maomao.

When it was Wan Xiangxiang's turn, he looked at the test screen and asked, "Direct attack? How much force of attack can this test screen withstand?"

Testing officer: "Don't worry about testing. The screens used in our identification center are all guaranteed."

Wan Xiangxiang was still a little worried: "You don't have to pay for it if it's damaged, right?" The screen looked very expensive, and he didn't have any crystal coins to pay for it.

The test officer didn't take it seriously: "If it breaks, you don't have to pay for it. I will bear the consequences." A person who is testing for the first time can only use a level 4 force at most, and this screen can withstand at least a level 5 force impact.

Wan Xiangxiang was relieved when he heard that there was no need to pay, and a ball of heat gathered in his hands. I was still afraid of breaking things, so I quietly withdrew 30% of my attack power.

The fire ball landed lightly on the strength test screen, and the scorching heat hit his face.

Then there was an explosion of "Boom--" and the screen exploded.

The test officer was really dumbfounded this time! How could this break? He asked with some excitement: "What level is your superpower?"

Wan Xiangxiang was a little innocent: "I have level four superpowers! As I promised before, I won't compensate you!" You don't really want him to compensate, right? Fortunately, he recorded the test just now when the test officer said there was no need to compensate. Even if he wanted to go back on his word, he wouldn't agree to it.

The test officer opened his eyes wide: "Why are you, a fourth-level superpower, testing in the primary area?" Maybe the action was too much. Just after he finished speaking, his neck made two "clicks" and twisted even more.

Wan Liangxiang: "When we registered at the door, no one told me that level four superpowers were not tested in the primary area. When I came in, they asked me if I had tested my superpowers. I said no, so you arranged for us to come here. "

The test officer almost fainted! These two people are here to defeat him!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wan Xiangxiang quickly pressed the alarm bell, and soon someone carried the test officer down.

Another person in charge took him to the intermediate power testing area to test his strength.

Wan Xiangxiang's final test results are: mid-level four abilities and mid-level five strength. This was the result of Wan Xiangxiang's deliberate restraint. He himself was a little surprised. It seemed that his level of superpowers was quite strong, and he actually had the ability to transcend levels.

After completing the last two tests and receiving the test results, the two went to the information registration office in the lobby to register information.

Wan Xiangxiang handed the test results to the registrar responsible for registration.

After checking the information, the registrar retrieved Wan Xiangxiang's citizen information, entered the information about the person with special abilities, and then asked Wan Xiangxiang to press his fingerprints.

Entry successful.

Wan Xiangxiang opens his own information again: Name: Wan Xiangxiang Gender: Male Age: 16 Physical: C Mental Power: E Power: Fire Power Qualification: 8 Power Level: Level 4 Place of Birth: Seventh Level In addition to the information update on the planet Anping, it also obtained a pass account belonging to the Superpower Star Network area.

After Mu Qing's information was entered, the two went home.

Author's gossip:

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