"Summer's Crying"

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Amelia's POV

I was just making dinner for me and Elliot when I got a phone call from Aarons mom.

I just thought she needed information for the program, but turns out something happened to Aaron and that he's in the hospital.

I started crying halfway through that sentence and immediately called Elliot and Nate, because Nate was the only one with a license who could drive us over here.

Stacey is pregnant, and sometimes its not best if pregnant women stress, so we left the fact that someone's in the hospital out.

Now, there I was. Patiently waiting on any kind of information I could get, in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. It was Elliot, Mrs. Matthews and me. Everybody else in the waiting room was asleep. It was three in the morning after all.

The doctors did mention one thing, he doesn't need operations and that he's just in examing right now.

My mom is in the same hospital, I went over to her a couple of times, but she was asleep, so I just placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Mrs. Matthews?" A short, balding man in a doctors uniform came out and called, we all got up and he let us in the room Aaron was placed in.

I sat on his bed, making sure I'm not waking him, while Mrs. Matthews and Elliot sat on the chairs beside. 

"Your son had a seizure. We aren't sure if its epilepsy or not, either way it can be caused by extreme stress or Undersleeping, or even looking at technological screens a long period of time. But as I said, were waiting for the results right now, nothing is for sure." The doctor announced and I just thought to myself as he spoke.

-Undersleeping: check.

We stayed up until four in the morning the other day, texting.

-Stress: check.

The guy is going to Harvard Law school next week.

-Screens: check.

I don't even need to explain, its 2023. Everyone is on their screens.

"So, it could be just a random thing or epilepsy? Either way its not extremely serious?" I ask, hoping there isn't a chance Aaron could be ill.

"There is always another disease, there are millions, it could be a tumor or a seizure caused by stress. We have to wait and see, he's been tested for everything that's even slightly possible, because its not common for epilepsy to appear at such a age." The doctor spoke, and tears came out like planes.

"A t-tumor?" I struggled, hoping hell say he's joking and that its absurd, but he just nodded.

Elliot looked at me and grabbed my hand.

Our aunt, grandma and mom had cancer. I cant loose another person I love to the motherfucker.

After a while everyone walked out, leaving me and Aaron alone, I noticed he was slightly smirking but trying to hide it, so I knew he's awake.

"Okay, asshole. You can stop pretending now." I sobbed.

"Why are you crying? I'm fine." He said, taking my hand and placing a kiss on it.

"No, you're not. You cant stress so much, okay?" I say, laying down beside him to place a kiss on his lips, a gentle one.

I see the smile I was scared of never seeing again and the tears disappear, I feel better.

"What the absolute fuck?" Said Elliot, making me jump.

Oh god.

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