"Summer's Heartbreak"

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Amelia's POV

Even though it's been at least twelve hours since the chaos in the kitchen happened, I was still sitting on my bedroom floor.

What I was confused about was, why did Aaron do that?

I mean he's always been telling me how Liam's a player and how he'll break my heart but I never took him seriously.

Then again, he was a player himself.

But Elliot was a complete blur to me right now. Was he like, mad at me?

Why would he be?

Don't get me wrong, he was calm and handled the situation amazingly. But he was acting like I did something wrong, and I wanted to know why.

The house was in complete silence, I could only hear Ellie downstairs, pouring water.

As I knock onto Elliot's door he slightly mumbled something as a sign of approval.

"What do you want?" He quietly, but aggressively asked.

"Why are you mad at me?" I answer.

He sighed and said : "Because you're naïve! Me and Aaron have warned you about all of this. I agree maybe Aaron should've fucking told you in private but he knows you wouldn't have listened. None of this would've happened if you had fucking listened to two people who you know wouldn't have ever hurt you!"

Quite a speech, hurtful one though.

"Yes, I made a mistake by trusting my boyfriend. Sorry? Is that what you want me to sa- You know what? This was all a mistake." I say, before turning around.

When suddenly a strong arm pulled me back and hugged me.

I knew under all that anger, he felt bad for me.

A couple hours later I finally got downstairs, the house was still silenced but the vibe was better now.

However I felt the need to talk to Aaron, but he wasn't in the house.

I unlocked my phone to see his location on snapchat, he was near the beach. I don't know why I did that but I have a need to make sure he's safe.

The view of this house is indescribable, you can see the whole beach. And well since Aaron isn't exactly the person you would call short or small. He was quite easy to watch from the balcony.

However, the view made me shiver.

Aaron, a girl, making out.

It's the same girl from the party, it sounds very dramatic even though it isn't. I think I'll always get the same disgusting feeling of betrayal in my stomach when I see Aaron with another girl, I guess that's just the thing about childhood crushes, you never really get over them.

Especially if he's actively involved in your life, he's family.

Although me and Elliot made up, I still feel like I should have talked to Aaron first. I hope he's taking this seriously and wasn't only doing it for a joke.

Not sure if that's the case though.

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