"Summer's First Night"

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Aaron's POV

I was boring my fucking mind out, when I looked over to Amelia her eyes were closed. Moments later she dropped on my lap.
Shock was going through my veins, but mostly in my stomach. It's like my hands had minds of their own, they started soothing her head and running through her long, brown locks.

What I hated was the tension, even though she was asleep and probably won't remember anything, I will.

She slept so peacefully without moving once, quickly after that I fell asleep along with her. But woke up an hour later to continue working on the college essay.

Since I am going to Harvard I have to have an essay explaining how I deserve to be there and shit. I was paying those snobs, for fucks sake. It's not like I'm there on a scholarship.

The reason I even chose Harvard is because I couldn't leave Luke behind, our parents travel so much anyways I don't want him to grow up with nannies. For him, I'll stay as long as I actually can.

Five hours later

I was almost finishing up with my essay when sleeping beauty woke up and slowly lifted her head from my lap.

"Are we almost there?" She said with a sleepy voice that was killing me.

Right after she said that we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel we were staying at.

"I think it's a long ride from here." I told her with a wink, before quickly getting out of the car and opening the door for her.

"Wow look who decided to be nice.." She said, taking my hand and helping herself out of the car before walking up to Ellie and Elliot.

I liked that there was no awkwardness between me and Amelia, there never even was.

When we first met, twelve years ago. She directly came up to me and introduced herself, even though she was only four years old.

Even when I was coming over the past years, she never acted shyly towards me, she always treated me as her friend aswell.

But then when Natalie died everything took a wrong turn.

She stopped eating and got diagnosed with anorexia. She spent a whole month in her room, since then she hasn't been the same.

I mean she did get over the pain but I was still worried she might not have cured and healed from the eating disorder.

As we're walking into the hotel I notice Ellie smiling a specific way.

"Oh hell no." Amelia drops, Ellie and Elliot literally run away from us with their own key. After leaving Amelia with one card.
"What's wrong, darling?" I stupidly asked.

"We have to share a room."

This was going to be fun.

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