"Summer's over, but not really"

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Amelia's POV

The past couple days in Florida have been emotional rollercoaster, after emotional rollercoaster, after emotional rollercoaster.

I hoped that Liam would've at least called and apologize or explain why he literally held me down and made my oldest brother hit him with a baseball bat, but he never did.

Unfortunately our trip was over, and so was summer. But not really.

Aaron was the first one that helped me, I owe him for that because if he hadn't heard my screams for help I probably would've been held captive.

Maddie has been crying in her room for so long, because she feels as if it were her fault. I feel very bad for her, I am still a minor so technically she was responsible for me. But its not her fault, it never will be. 

I just hope she realizes that aswell.

The house was silent for the rest of the night, Aaron locked himself in the room and I heard him punching the wall, hopefully he didn't make a hole. Elliot was in his room, Ellie was missing and Maddie was crying on the bathroom floor. 

Nate and Jacob went to the police, even though Nathan beat Liam and his friend, they still did a wrong thing and deserved to be punished.

Tomorrow, first thing in the morning we will be on the way back to Boston, I am not sure whats going to happen to Ellie though. I haven't seen her since the game, after she just left.

As I'm laying on Diana's amazing bed, just thinking. I get a notification from Instagram, it says Zoe just posted something on her private story. 

"Ho-holy shit." I whisper.

Its Ellie, her and Zoe are at some party and its a video of Ellie making out with some guy.

I rewatch the video, but this time with screen-recording. I know its going to be hard telling Elliot, especially because he was crazy in love. And its hard for me too, I mean Ellie was just always in the picture. She was always there for us.

Angry sadness builds up in me as I get up and slowly walk over to Elliot's room, but I keep the tears down so I don't literally explode.

I knock and Elliot mumbles as a sign of confirmation.

"Uhm, Elliot? I-I think you should see this."

I show him the disturbing screen recording. He just watches it and keeps silent.

Elliot is an emotional type, which means when he's silent he usually is deeply hurt.

I mean, of course he is, his girlfriend of what? Six years? Just cheated on him.

"Do-do you uh- want to be alone? Or should I stay with you." I ask, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Fuck that shit, I think she's making out with the asshole who held you on the beach."

Holy shit, I didn't even realize that, she doesn't know who he is! She could be in danger.

Elliot looked me in the eyes and said : "Get Aaron, and go to the party with him. Tell Ellie to come pack her shit and never speak to me, but before you go crazy on her, make sure she's safe."

Ever since Natalie died Elliot is obsessed with making sure every single girl is safe, literally no matter what.

I mean obviously he should, as an older brother. And Im also used to being kept safe in a little bubble, as the youngest sister with an asshole mother and five other men living in her house.


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