"Summer's Loved"

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Aarons POV

My mother seems to be mad at me for being with Amelia, but I didn't care, if she expects to have a vote on what I do she is extremely wrong.

I called Amelia to take her out, as odd as it sounds we haven't been able to normally talk for the past couple days, we only saw each other when something bad happened.

I asked her to meet me at a park nearby, Amelia doesn't like restaurants or anything you would call "fancy" for that matter.

Its a five minute walk, and as I'm walking into the beautiful nature, I see her. She's reading a book under a tree, sitting on a blanket.

I approach her and sit next to her, she takes the book and puts it in her bag.

"Hi." She says, before kissing me hello.

"Hi to you too, why are we sitting on the grass?" I ask, disgusted.

"You snob, you're going to be doing it all the time when you go to college." She says, placing her head on my shoulder.

"Desks will still exist next week, love." I say, running my fingers through her long brown locks.

"Ugh, you're going next week, its becoming real." She groans.

"Nothing is going to change, Amie." I say, comforting her, even though I know everything is going to change.

"What are we going to do when I go to college, though? Long distance?" She asks.

"Ill fly over every two weeks." I say.

"That's not even possible, you cant spend the money." She says, looking at me.

"Who says Ill pay the ticket?" I ask, assuming she's joking and pretending like she doesn't know I bought a private jet a couple months ago.

"What do you mean?" She says, obviously confused.

"Elliot didn't tell you? I bought a private jet." I say, laughing and tucking her hair behind her ear, her looking at me with those red cheeks.

"No, he didn't." She says, thinking, but then continuing. "Wait, why did you even buy it?" 

"Had some money left from the software I sold, might aswell use it for the better." I explained.

I never mean to brag when I say I sold a software, of course its amazing and I'm proud of it but my goals are way bigger then that, in fact this was just my start.

"I talked to my mother today, surprisingly, she's not a huge fan of us?" I admit, she deserves to know the truth.

"What did she say?" She asked, holding my hand and brushing my thumb with hers.

"She said you would hold me back." I said, making air quotes.

"Well, she's not wrong." She mumbles.

"Of course she is! Why do you think that?" I asked, hating myself for even starting the conversation in the first place.

"You're a genius, who sold a software at seventeen, and that's not even a big goal for you." She says.

"That's true, my biggest goal is to marry you." I say.

She covered her cheeks and let herself fall on her back, in a laying position, giggling.

"Bold, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah.." She said, before kissing me.

I never would've thought I would be in a park, sitting on a grass and making out with my best friends little sister, but here I am. And I don't want anything else.

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