16 ∆ Olive Branch

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I just wanted you to know
That this is me trying

She had a horrible restlessness as she lay on her back next to Calum

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She had a horrible restlessness as she lay on her back next to Calum. Rolling into her side she studied the sleeping boy next to her. He was peaceful. Not an ounce of worry on his face. His previous buzz cut had started to grow out on top. Demi was weirdly excited to be able to run her fingers through it, if she managed to convince him to continue to grow it out.

Her fingers lightly danced down the tattoos that filled his arm. Calum sighed, relaxing into the sheets further. Delicately placing a kiss to his temple, she climbed out of bed but not before tucking in the sheets around him.

Slipping into Calum's NIN tshirt and her own leggings, she ventured downstairs. She could hear the faint noise of video games being played.

"Morning" Demi smiled as she greeted Michael in the living room. "M'rning" he mumbled back not really fond of the company.

Demi glanced over him, there was a sadness in his eyes and the way he held his shoulders. Michael readjusted his hat as he felt her gaze.

"Smoothie?" She offered. He stared at her processing it. He was accustomed to doing everything himself. The boys always kept to themselves. They never ate together let alone cooked for each other. It's just how things were.

"You want to make me a smoothie?" Was all he could respond with.

"Yes, is that a crime?" She took a seat on the end of the sofa. Demi could see the redness that had settled around his eyes. Michael pushed up the glasses that rested on his nose as he paused his game.

"It's just weird"

Demi cocked her head to the side as she studied him closer. Michael met her eyes, "you okay?" Her hand settled on his knee.

He nodded and pushed up his glasses again and readjusted the hair that poked out of his hat and blocked a small part of his eye.

"I know we don't know each other but yeah i'm here if you need anything" she smiled weakly as she disappeared to make them both smoothies.

Demi returned with the pink tinted drinks, a straw in each one, and placed them next to him. She took a seat on the sofa. Michael was still yet to resume his game. Resting his head back against the back of the sofa, he squeezed his eyes shut and released a shaky breath.

"It's pathetic but it's…it's my dad's birthday today" his green eyes stared at the ceiling. It was the first time, other than finding out about Calum's sister, that she had heard any of them refer to their families.

"It's not pathetic Michael" she sighed, crossing her legs and turning to face him completely. "If you don't mind me asking, I'd love to know more about you and your family" she smiled sweetly. Michael looked at her puzzled. Someone actually wanted to get to know him.

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