13 ∆ Never underestimate me

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Don't put me in a position where I have to show you how cold my heart can be

Demi remained focused on her breathing until she felt more like herself, she turned her gaze to the blonde in the driver's seat

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Demi remained focused on her breathing until she felt more like herself, she turned her gaze to the blonde in the driver's seat. It was only for a moment but it was long enough for her to study his stubble covered chin and just how perfect his side profile was.

He turned to face her, a smile had replaced his usual smirk. She returned the smile. To the rest of the world it would have appeared as simple as two people smiling at one another. But in this exchange of looks, Luke had apologized for the others and the probing questions and she had thanked him for giving her space.

"We're here, want me to get yours? Or do you want to come with me?" Luke asked, getting out of the car.

Demi undid her seat belt and accompanied him to Bookscape cafe to collect the orders.

Luke went to one of the tills, Demi the other and in almost perfect unison, both workers said "your usual?"

They both glanced at each other with a confused gaze. Luke was sure that if she was in the room, he would have noticed before. She was having a similar debate in her head, she would have 100% remembered the blonde with a lip ring, if she had seen him.

Both decided it was just a coincidence.

Once they had ordered, they sat in the booth at the back and waited for their orders. Demi nursed a hot tea in her hands whereas Luke opted for a can of coke.

He wasn't one for small talk and neither was she, so they sat in silence watching the other customers socialize. In fact they didn't say another word to each other until they were back with the others and even then it was small words muttered.

"Luke," Ashton whispered, pulling him back into the room and shutting the door. Luke raised his brow.

"You and Michael have a job tonight"

Lucky me, he thought to himself.

"Michael has scoped out the Casino, cameras, security systems etc and he's going to cover you as you look around inside"

"You want me to break into the casino? The place that shot dead a man after Demi literally just ran through it?" He relayed the madness of Ash's quest back to him.

"Yes," Ash said with absolute certainty.

"Michael is my only back up?" Luke crossed his arms. He was sure the shaggy haired, tech freak had never touched a gun or knife, never mind use one.

"You'll manage"

They had all returned to the house to chill for the afternoon. It was becoming a sort of hub as opposed to Ashton's house, especially the kitchen.

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