5 ∆ The Cabin

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I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you

I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The atmosphere in the house had altered. It no longer felt like a machine running smoothly. The cogs were broken; the engines had malfunctioned.

After Ashton's final sentence, he had left. As he stood on the sidewalk, he had expected Michael and Luke to follow suit, however that was not the case.

Demi watched as Ashton spoke on the phone and she couldn't help but examine the red marks which wrapped around his throat. He looked like a mess, what with the pepper spray inflammation still highly visible. It really had not been his night.

Karma's a bitch, she whispered under her breath.

What had happened in the house? Who had caused it? She wondered.

Ashton stared vacantly at the floor as he chewed on his nail. His walls were crumbling and he knew he had been defeated.

He blinked a few times, his mind whirling and fizzing with every decision he had made tonight. How had things ended up like this?

Calum had always been quite a placid, easy going guy (despite his job) and he had never shown anything close to what he did moments prior.

Even though Ashton's blood was boiling at the whole situation, Calum's intense reaction played heavy in his mind.

No matter how many times he told himself random hook ups for life would be a perfect life, having someone who truly meant something would be nice. And not even in a romantic sense either. Having any form of platonic connection would enrichen his soul for sure.

He cared for Hood a lot. He always had and always would despite his brutality. When it came down to it Ashton was speaking sense, he knew he was. There is nothing more painful than the truth sometimes. Sure, he wanted the boys to experience the good things in life, but he knew the bleak reality in which they all faced, especially Calum. You can't go around burying bodies and expect to live happily ever after. That's not how life works.

He just hoped a few days of cooling off would sort Calum's head out and they'd be back to their usual selves.

As for the girl, Ash hoped going ahead with the agreement would be enough to prevent the risk of her pressing charges, not that he had intended to force her in any way. Sure he had slept with hundreds of women in his time, but he wasn't a monster of that capacity.

Even though he was now estranged from his family, it didn't stop him feeling the protective love he had for his mother and younger sister.

His judgments of Demi painted her to be a strong, ballsy woman and in his mind she could take a bit of domineering- but his judgements were clearly wrong.

Within minutes of being on the phone, a car pulled up, Ash got in and he was gone.

Demi remained looking at the house. They had the lights on which made it easier for her to see the movements throughout the house.

Vigilante ∆ lrhजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें