6 ∆ The Casino

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Trust your own madness

⚠️ Weapons, see ∆ for other warnings

"Irwin's bar, tick" Demi said, drawing a line through the name with a red felt tip pen

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"Irwin's bar, tick" Demi said, drawing a line through the name with a red felt tip pen. The next one on her list and next to her previous target was Napoleon's Casino. It was a much more prestigious location with a much higher threat. But with a higher threat comes a higher risk for her.

Taking a deep breath, she circled it. Tonight she would scope out the enemy. Work out who is who, entrances, exits and the manner of which business is executed.

She dressed in attire which wouldn't cause a scene- plain black jeans, plain black hoodie and converse. Concealing her usual weapons in various places, she unbraided her hair and let the curls unravel. Securing her black cap, she was ready.

Blake hovered in the hallway waiting to squeeze her and make her promise to stick by his rules.

"Demi?" He asked.

"Yes?" She looked up at him.

"Shall I order Chinese takeout or pizza takeout for when you return?" Because she must return.

He asked her something similar every time she was about to leave. It was a coping mechanism he had curated for himself. It was almost like he believed if she made plans for after, it would guarantee her safe return. Silly really.

"Pizza please" she answered before slipping out the front door.

It was a heaving Saturday night. Every square inch of the strip was busy with people. But what caught her attention was how people didn't hang about outside Napoleons. The bouncers were the only ones standing either side of the revolving door. When a car pulled up at the front, one of them walked the guest to the door. It was coordinated.

Sitting on a sidewalk bench, further down the street, she lit a cigarette or two and watched everyone get wasted.

A blacked out suv pulled up. Two tall, wide men got out, two others walked alongside them but they had ear pieces and no expression.

An older guy, in a suit stepped out of the revolving door and greeted the two much more muscular men. They all laughed and joked and appeared to know each other very well.

Crossing the street, she stood as close as possible to the venue. Luckily she was downwind and she could hear their voices carried by the breeze.

"I assume you've brought what I requested?" The elder man asked, his tone much more serious.

"Have we ever let you down before?" The man retaliated to which the elder man shook his head.

"Very well then Mr Eldridge, will Mrs Eldridge be accompanying us tonight, it would be very lovely to meet her?"

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