19 ∆ Stubborn

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Somewhere between emotional and emotionless

Everyday you wake up with a chance, a chance to make a choice: sleep the dreams away or get up and make them reality

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Everyday you wake up with a chance, a chance to make a choice: sleep the dreams away or get up and make them reality.

Even with her body bruised and battered, she was ready to face the day. Crawling out of Calum's embrace, she scooted the duvet closer around his body. She took a moment to admire him. Her fingers traced down his hairline and around his ear. The gentleness stirred him but his eyes remained shut. Demi took his hand in hers and placed a kiss to the back of his tattooed hand. "What have I done to deserve you?" She mumbled against his skin.

The way he had handled last night had shown her so clearly how much he cared about her. Never in her wildest of dreams did she think she would have someone look at her and care about her the way he does. She knew she was lucky.

He brought a peacefulness to her heart that she had never known. Part of her wanted to crawl back into his embrace and stay there for eternity. To do nothing else but feel his love.

"G'd mornin' angel," he smiled, his rougher fingertips drew patterns up her arm and settled around the side of her face. "Come 'ere, need you," he sighed, his voice full of sleep.

"Always, Cal," Demi replied softly and caved for her sweet boy.

"Had a dream 'bout you last night,"

"We were at your cabin and it was snowing, and we got snowed in," he began. Demi waited patiently for him to continue, but it never came. He had fallen asleep again, his lips fallen against her temple.

"Sweet dreams," Demi planted a soft kiss on his lips before finally, tearing herself away from Calum. She dressed in her matching sweat set and headed into the kitchen. After her protein smoothie, she stepped outside into the garden to start her warm up, she had planned on running into work today.

It was a crisp 10°c outside. Her fingers were numb and her nose red but it made her feel alive. She did some basic stretches to get her limbs ready, her side was achy but she had decided that it definitely looked worse than it was.

"Are you sure you're fit enough to run?" Michael asked as he came into view at the door, brother mode switched on.

"Thanks for your concern but I'm absolutely fine, could have gone for a run last night," she pointed out as she zipped her phone into her running leggings.

"I can give you a lift, I'm going that way anyway to get Ash," Michael sighed, grabbing his keys, he wasn't impressed to be awoken at his time.

Demi frowned, "isn't Ash here?"

"Nope," he popped the 'p'. "He had quite the cocktail of substances," Michael raised his brow, "I'm genuinely surprised he ain't dead in a gutter."

"Has he always got himself into this much trouble?" Demi referencing the fact that some drug cartel had his car.

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