9 ∆ His Girl

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Am I a monster?

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Am I a monster?

He tossed. He turned. Grabbing. Tightening. Breaths of struggle. His head thrashed from left to right. His face contoured in horror. His hands pressed firmly around her neck as she got closer to a bleak end. Bulging, bloodshot eyes, hoarse whispers struggling to be heard. In a desperate panic, he tried to unlock his fingers, release the pressure from his hands but he couldn't, they were as solid as steel. His chest heaved as he bolted upright, sweat streaking down his head and trickling down his shoulder. Scraping his fingers through his hair, he tugged at it as his body rocked back and forth. He opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out.

"Hey good morning" said a morning-gravelled voice.

She rubbed her eyes and opened them to see Calum's cheery face staring back at her.

"Hi" she smiled, genuinely happy to see him.

Shuffling over on the extremely small mattress, she patted next to her. "Join me", her smile was not as full as before.

Calum took her up on her offer. Slotting in on the mattress, his broad shoulders took up the full width of it.

Demi snuggled up against his frame, her head rested on his chest and her leg wrapped over his. His fingers played with her braids and traced patterns on the back of her neck.

She watched as his chest moved with each breath, steady and calming. Reaching out for his other hand, she laced their fingers together before bringing his hand to her lips. She delicately placed a kiss on his knuckles.

Calum's stomach filled with butterflies and everything he didn't think someone like him would ever be lucky enough to feel. Goosebumps filled the surface of his skin as she touched him.

"What do you guys do for breakfast around here?" She asked, propping herself up on her elbow as she looked down at Calum.

"Not much really" he replied, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the marks that wrapped around her neck.

Carefully, he traced the redness, his fingertips sinking into the outline of marks. "He fucking did this didn't he?" He gritted his teeth, his hand cupping her cheek.

"Woah it's fine, things were said, things were done but it's over now" her tone was still as her hand rested on his chest.

"It's not fucking fine!" Calum raised his voice sitting up. "None of this" he emphasized as he pointed around the room, "is fucking fine". His fists clenched.

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