8 ∆ Disobedience

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Grabbing her shoulders, Luke pushed her towards the house. Bringing his lips close to her ear, an involuntary shiver ran down her spine as he spoke, "if you try that with me sweetheart, I'll have to cuff your legs too"

She scoffed in return, her smirk only tightening his grasp on her, his body flush with her back.

"Challenge accepted" she uttered, earning her a harsh tug down on her chuffs.

"Fuck" she breathed, her muscles tightening. 

"Not so cocky now, be a good girl and keep your mouth shut or else" he scolded  and despite the soreness from her wrists, she almost made another remark but chose to bite her lip instead. 

"Don't bite your lip" Luke's low growl like whisper sliced through her ear and she released it in the absence of a comeback.

Ashton and Luke exchanged words and she ended up in the highest room in the house; the dusty, unused attic.

The moon shone through the cracked window and provided some light. Demi searched her surroundings, which mainly consisted of the odd cardboard box which was laced in dust and wrapped in cobwebs.

"I want to go home" she sighed, thinking about Blake back at home and how she had let him down again.

"I want to go to the moon but that ain't happening sweetheart" he responded.

"Sit" Luke demanded, finally realizing his hold on the girl as he shoved her into the middle of the room. The ghost of her warmth lingered on his clothes and the scent of her shampoo wafted in his direction.

"Whatever you say master" Demi said with a bow and a twisted grin as she obediently followed his orders.

Luke stared at her trying to figure her out. He had never met anyone with as much gumption as she had. Her expression was vague. No signs of real fear or anything. She appeared like she was simply waiting to catch the next bus as opposed to sitting in a house, somewhere unknown with dangerous people.

"A simple please wouldn't have gone a miss" she added.

Luke knelt close to her yanking harshly on the handcuffs again, one to check they were secured and two just because he felt like it. An almost inaudible groan escaped her lips as the pain burned across her skin.

"Did your mom never teach you manners?" She spat as his head became level with hers.

How dare she mention his mother.

His chest rose and crashed back as his limit was reached. With unnecessary force, he pinned Demi against the wall, his fingertips crushing her windpipe.

"Never speak of her again" Demi's mind itched to know what his mommy issues were, probably abandonment or something.

She gasped for air as Luke remained locked on her throat. Her eyes remained on his stone cold ones. The edge of nervousness that she had seen before had vanished.

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