2 ∆ Grave Digger

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"Hood inside now!" Ashton shouted from the front door. He thought his best friend had gone insane as he stared off down the street. What the hell was he doing? He had jobs to get on with.

"Sorry" he muttered as he passed Ashton and headed upstairs.

"What were you doing?"

"Getting some air" he lied.

Calum took care of the unpleasantries, wrapped them in tarpe and shoved them in his 4x4.

On the drive out to the location in mind, usually, he sang along to whatever was on the radio but tonight he hadn't even turned the radio on.

Her voice was loud in his mind, 'men are the problem'.

He was the problem. It had never bothered him before. He had never thought twice about his actions or his decisions, but the way she looked right into his soul, he was questioning everything.

Which made no sense. He saw hundreds of girls a week. Why was she any different?

"Fuck" he mumbled. Calum pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut momentarily. Resetting his feelings, he parked up and proceeded to bury their problems in the ground.

Once back at the club, he entered through the back and washed his face, hands and arms. He headed up to Ashton's quarters to find the place abandoned as usual.

Nobody stuck around until the end of the night.

Nobody waits for the grave digger to finish his shift.

Sighing, he swung the keys around on the chain attached to his belt and proceeded to lock the club up.

As he headed down the street, now empty of people and noise, a silhouette standing on the edge of the curb came into view. Her neck was craned upwards and smoke spiraled.

He froze as he processed the familiarity of the figure; the girl from earlier.

"It's a little late to be out Miss" Calum spoke in a raised voice causing Demi to jump and turn around.

As soon as her eyes landed on him they rolled. "Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither".

"What, can't I even be concerned about your safety?" Calum added.

"I don't need you to give a damn about my life choices" she shrugged, taking another long drag.

Calum moved so that he was next to her, without hesitation, his fingers pinched the cigarette from her fingertips.

Weirdly, she didn't fight against the action and she wasn't sure why.

A chimney of smoke filtered from his mouth, a sigh unexpectedly leaving his lungs. His hand rubbed his face and he took another drag before handing it back.

"Rough night huh?" She asked even though she didn't care.

"you could say that," he chuckled sadistically like he hadn't just buried two bodies ten feet into the ground.

They stood in silence both staring at the bright lights of New York city. A cool wind wrapped around her body causing her to shiver.

"Here," he muttered, draping his jacket around her shoulders. This kind of gesture was usually something that repulsed her and made her feel like women needed men to survive, but he had surprised her. She didn't have him down to partake in gentlemanly chivalry.

Calum noticed the frown she pulled followed by the stuttered thanks.

"Is it really that shocking?"

She shrugged.

Vigilante ∆ lrhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon