Part 15 - The Unforgettable Evening

Start from the beginning

Y/n saw sadness in his eyes.

Y/n: She is here with you, Winter Bear. [i noticed a smile returning to his face.]
V Winter Bear.?[ he smiles I don't know why, but that word gives me some comfort.]
Y/n: Can I ask you something?
V: Yes.
Y/n: Do you have a girlfriend?
V: If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't be sitting here with you. What about your boyfriend?
Y/n: Right now, I am single.
V: Right now means? Were you in a relationship before coming here?
Y/n: Yeah, I dated a boy. I believe in a relationship where even if you are together with someone, you need your space. You want your partner to understand you and respect your decisions. You don't want someone else to control you. You should have the freedom to choose your friends, and you don't want your partner to decide your friends. Most importantly, I can't lose my individuality because of someone else. I can adapt for my partner, but I can't change myself completely. I want my partner to accept me the way I am, and I am also ready to do these things for my partner. But my ex was very sweet, but later in the relationship, he wanted to change me. I changed myself for him, but then he said I had changed. Later, when I understood the importance of self-love, self-decision, my individuality, and the meaning of a true relationship, I left him.

while she was talking about her past relationship, I found myself relating to her. I share similar feelings about relationships. She is a very mature girl, and that guy is so unlucky; he lost a gem.

Y/n: What about your past relationships? How many have you had?
V: Ouch, how many I had? What do you mean? Do you think I'm a Casanova, a spoiled idol? (teasing)
Y/n: I didn't mean it that way; I'm sorry.
V: I was kidding, relax. Well, I have had three relationships so far. One was a celebrity, one was from school, and one was from the neighborhood. But I dated them all at different times, so don't judge.
Y/n: Why did you break up? Who was the last person you dated?
V: The celebrity. Actually, while dating me, she was also dating one of my friends. She wanted to make the relationship public, and I needed some time, but she didn't understand my situation and started dating my friend.
Y/n: Do you still love her?
V: I have moved on, but you can't erase someone from your heart completely.
Y/n: That's true. Do you want to eat something?
V: I'm not hungry right now, but I know I will be in some time.
Y/n: Do you want me to cook for you, or would you like me to order something?
V: What are you comfortable with? (I wanted to eat homemade food, but I don't want her to do it without her will.)
Y/n: You always eat outside food, even though they're from famous chefs, but I want you to have some homemade food.

After hearing her answer, v feel like heart heart is smiling.

V: Since you agree to cook, let me help you with something, at least, please.
Y/n: Well, I know you are a master chef. I'll give you some tasks, keeping that in mind. [I was teasing him since I know he doesn't know much about cooking.]
V: Hey, hey, hey, I am learning. I will cook for you someday.

V and I both head to the kitchen area. My kitchen is an open one, and he stands right beside me. It feels like I'm living out a scene from a K-drama.

V: I brought some wine with me. If you don't mind, let's have a drink while we cook?
Y/n: Yeah, sure. Let me grab the bottle. I start to leave to fetch the bottle, but he takes hold of my hand, causing my heart to race.
V: Don't be so formal, Y/n. Don't treat me like a guest, please. I'll get the bottle; you focus on your cooking. He heads to the hall area to retrieve the bottle.

Y/n's POV:
I am chopping, and he comes back with a bottle. He stands next to me and asks, "Where are the glasses?" I point above my head, and he comes closer, taking a glass from the upper shelf. He is so close to me; as he reaches for the glasses, his neck is just inches from my face. I see his neck so close to me, and once again, my heart starts racing like a horse. I am literally living out my fantasy. Then he begins pouring wine into the glass, and I start sweating. I pull a rubber band from my hair and tie it up in a bun, but a strand of hair keeps falling onto my face. He comes close to me, gently tucking it behind my ear. His touch on my face and ear sends shivers down my spine. Kim Tae Hyung, don't do this to my poor heart, I think in my head as he goes back to the wine glass.

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