Ten Times the Intimidation

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"So, why did you buy the 700 Cardinal Evil Sins? And how did you know that you would need a total of 700 to unlock the Doorway to Sin?" The head developer asked as he slammed his hand on the table, creating a loud cracking noise.

Even a child could guess what the developer was trying to do; he was attempting to intimidate Lucian. However, Lucian was not the type to be intimidated by a mere head developer of a DMMO-RPG. He had faced far more intimidating challenges.

Like his maid, who was way more intimidating in bed than this guy trying to act like a villain.

"Do you know that, under the VR Criminal Regulation Act, Section, intimidation within the VR world is considered a criminal offense? It can lead to investigation and prosecution under the law," Lucian calmly stated. "This includes creating fear or emotional harm in another user through any means of realistic simulation or threat."

Lucian smiled, though his avatar remained stoic. The head developer didn't flinch; he knew he held the power here. It was his game, after all. He also believed this player was cheating, as there was no other explanation for someone spending so much money in Yggdrasil every day.

"Are you implying that I'm a criminal?" the head developer asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"And who will prove it?" he added, almost giggling.

"My lawyer will," Lucian replied nonchalantly.

"What!?" The developer shouted, clearly taken aback by the unexpected threat.

"Yes, the head developer of The DMMO-RPG, Yggdrasil. My lawyer will be the one contacting you. You've resorted to intimidation to force a player to quit the game, falsely accused the same player of cheating without any evidence, and denied me the rewards I rightfully earned, even though I didn't cheat. You'll need a capable lawyer to handle the legal actions I'm prepared to take," Lucian confidently stated as he rose from his seat, a hint of amusement in his way of speaking, almost as if he is having fun..

"Charges include Breach of Contract, defamation, Unfair Business Practices, Privacy Violation, and Virtual Intimidation," Lucian added, once again pointing his finger at the head developer.

"You'll have to deal with this civil lawsuit." Lucian concluded. While he wasn't a legal expert, he had acquired some basic knowledge, thanks to his highly intelligent maid who continually educated him on effective player tactics. Moreover, his father had imparted a valuable lesson to him over the years: when faced with intimidation, respond with tenfold intimidation. Lucian was fully committed to this course of action.

"Are you attempting to threaten me?" the head developer questioned with a heavy tone.

Lucian raised an unseen eyebrow and muttered, "The kettle calling the pot black, huh? I've merely stated the actions I plan to take against the developers who've taken away an avatar I've painstakingly built over three years, wasting countless hours and millions."

"You're just trying to gain an upper hand in this situation. It's clear you're cheating, spending millions on gacha items is sheer stupidity. Let me verify the legality of all your transactions first."

The head developer then opened the transaction menu, which was only available to head developer, and examined the transactions. They all appeared legitimate, coming from the same bank with matching names; however, there was a question about the source of the money.

"Why would the Evans Corporation be giving money to you?" the head developer inquired, now visibly sweating. The Evans Corporation was a widely known conglomerate, not only in Japan but also around the world, and he was well aware of its prominence.

Overlord: The Path of SinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ