World Enemy - The Deadly Sin of Lust

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Without hesitation, Lucian selected "Yes," and the doors swung open, revealing a magnificently huge room.

Lucian entered the room, and the door closed behind him. The room was as vast as any typical boss room. However, the ceiling and the surroundings resembled a royal chamber, except for the floor, which appeared to be pure darkness, as if darkness itself. The place presented a mixture of opulence and decay.

Mirrors adorned the room, seeming to deflect light as they projected an image of Lucian, albeit without any color.

He glanced around and noticed chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, emitting an eerie pink glow. There were also windows that seemed to lead to nowhere.

Lucian walked to the center of the vast room, and there, he beheld a massive ornate bed draped in sensual fabric.

Upon that bed lay a cursed goddess.

He saw a beautiful woman with black hair, peacefully asleep beneath a pink sheet that covered her ethereal body.

As Lucian approached the boss, something happened.

The woman's eyes shot open as she flung the blanket away, her body starting to float as she fixed her gaze on Lucian.

The background music shifted to something sensual and seductive as the Sin of Lust revealed herself.

"Damn! This world enemy is beautiful!" Lucian exclaimed as he eyed the world enemy.

She was an exquisite woman with long, flowing black hair. Her beauty seemed meticulously crafted, as if the developers had poured their utmost effort into her design. Her black hair cascaded like waterfalls, and she wore a golden and black armor that lightly covered her body, revealing hints of her cleavage. Unlike any of the Sins Lucian had faced before, she was a humanoid figure, in stark contrast to Gluttony, which had more demonic properties and resembled a slime. Also, the strongest world enemy he had faced before this.

"[Ah, my beloved, you've finally arrived. I've yearned for you, my sweet, with every fiber of my being,]" the World Enemy spoke, her words tinged with obsession.

This was the setting of this world enemy, and yes, she was a bona fide yandere.

"Who the heck is she even talking about? Is it me?" Lucian wondered as he observed the boss speaking and her dialogue box appearing. Her pupils were pink and heart-shaped as she fixed her gaze on Lucian. He remained alert, scythe and staff at the ready, because every time her eyes blinked, her pupils seemed to glow even brighter, all directed at Lucian, which gave him the creeps.

"[Don't be shy; let me wrap you in the warmth of my affection,]" the Sin said as the battle animation began. Lucian immediately jumped back and checked her status. But before he could do that, a massive arrow landed near him. With quick reflexes, Lucian managed to dodge it. The arrows were heart-shaped and started coming from all directions at Lucian as the boss continued her passionate dialogue, her name still unknown to him.

"[Do you feel that fluttering in your heart? It's the same feeling I have for you,]" she said as the dialogue box briefly vanished. Lucian dodged another arrow but got hit by two more in quick succession, each adding debuffs to him. When the arrows finally stopped, he checked her stats.

[Sin Luxuria - First Deadly Demon of Lust]

Level - 140

HP - 500/500

MP - 350/350

"What!?" Lucian audibly exclaimed in shock, staring at Sin Luxuria's stats. Her whispering dialogue continued, and Lucian couldn't believe how overwhelmingly weak the boss monster appeared to be.

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