Chapter 19-Sophie's POV

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"UMMMMM, ISN'T SHE, WASN'T SHE ACTUALLY supposed to be your mother if she is an Empath and you can feel her heartbeat when you touched her? When you asked her that one day well you guys were training didn't you feel her feelings?" Keefe asked, rembering that an Empath can't lie as easily as the other elves can especially if they barely trusted easily then Sophie started crying at the clearing that was the surrounding of where they first kissed well Keefe patted her and tried to comfort her while dropping into a crouch. "I mean, I tuned out some of your complaining about the people who gave birth to you, seriously, can you forgive your parents who donated their DNA to make you an human being?------I also think you should ignore Matchmaking from now on quite a bit." 

"I guess," Sophie said, leaning into his very warm embrace while she thought about forgiving them. "I think I really should actually forgive them as you said." No matter how much she tried believing really hard that they cared for her, she couldn't make herself believe that they would be good if she just got ditched by them-------even though she knew she should know that the Black Swan would choose good people.

The parents that left her behind.

Oralie, a councillor can possibly be one of them.

Who knows?, maybe she has more then two people who donated their DNA.

The thought made her think that would be really extremely strange.

Even having as far as she knows two parents didn't help her out.

The Black Swan created her to defeat, the bad people she knew though.

It seemed so strange.

It would be strange if she had more than one parent.

But she wouldn't be suprised, if she had more then one parent with a group having her created in the first place.

Sophie had only ever thought the Black Swan would get two people's DNA--------but not anyone who literally wanted toos DNA and she learned from Fitz that life wasn't fair most of the time especially when he didn't want to date her anymore. But that was just what elves tried not to believe-----they tried to believe that everyone was perfect without any problems. 

And in reality, the only parent she knew about was her, the one who had been near her but didn't care to tell her, Mr. Forkle wouldn't share with her either, so she had to figure it out on her own. At least her mom wasn't someone who wanted to kill her constantly if Oralie was her mom and she was actually caring about me.

The way Oralie always cared for her should show her she would be a good mom at least compared to Elysian she would be. The good news was she could go, into Mr. Forkle's subconscious and check it out since he has done it with her before. To figure out her other parent or parents all she had to do was check of who was caring about her.

And she thought about Terik who was nice to her from the beggining--------or Alden who cared for her as if she were his own-------which made her creeped out that she could actually be Fitz's and Biana's sister and dated him when they were technically biological siblings, she thought about anyone else who was very nice to her also.

She hadn't expected it to be so complicated to figure out who the other donater or donaters were-------especially since they could be anyone she knows.

She sure hoped they weren't someone she liked or knew this time.

(A/N: There may be a part 2 if you want one. Also you may critque me and sorry for not posting for two months. I tried using the Stellarlune book ans adding my own words with just the same word count.)

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