Chapter 1

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"WHO ARE YOU ELYSIAN?" SOPHIE ASKED. Elysian just smiled then asked all of them but Gisela to come over. "I am your biological mom and Oralie was just lying about that or you felt it wrong." Elysian cackles. "What's going on?" Sophie asks. Then they are pushed into a goop of pink slime. "Really?" All of them said. She cackles again, "Really also how do you think the Neverseen do their dirty business without feeling guilt also if you can't get out you will die and have all of your friends dissappear." They all get out. Gisela whispers to the kids, "Let's work together and defeat this villain." They nod their agreement to Gisela and work together to stop her. Keefe tells her to freeze. Gisela conjures weapons. Then Sophie calls the rest of their friends so that they could help them out. Then they come.

(A/N: Can you please help me out with ideas? I may add them in my next chapter or even in this one. )

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