Yoongi was also in shock 😳 because he doesn't know Joonie is coming . And he was in more shocked 😳 to see what were they doing in his house . Yoongi understood everything 😉 .

( For those who are so so innocent and couldn't understand this

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( For those who are so so innocent and couldn't understand this . Don't worry flashback is coming . First let our Chim 🐥 go . Then we will talk about this . We can't spoil our Chim's 🐥 innocence naa . That Cat 😺 will kill 🔪 us . )

Jimin (confused 😕) : Who are you and why are you laying on the floor ?

Yoongi (looked at Jimin) : You go to your room and change your clothes first .

Jimin : But first I will ...... Cut off

Yoongi (deep voice) : Are you listening or not ?

(Jimin didn't say anything and ran to his room . After seeing Jimin closed the door of his room , he turned to NamJin and hit them by cushions .)

Yoongi (while throwing the cushions on them) : You two unholy pervert men ! What were you doing and that too in Living Room ? Now I got to know TaeKook learnt this from you two . Actually that's not there fault whose elder's are this much shameless then what will younger learn ?

Jin : Oh come on Yoonie ! You are accusing us like we did the biggest sin . We were about to kiss and you ruined our moment . You should say sorry to us for spoiling our moment .

Yoongi (eyes widened 😳) Sorry ... Sorry my foot . You can't do this in my house . Here decent people live not shameless like you two .

Jin : What shameless thing did we do ? We were about to Kiss that's called love not shameless thing . Change your narrow mind . And BTW you should rang the doorbell . Why did you come directly instead the house ?

Yoongi : Because Jimin wanna give you surprise . And at that time we didn't know that you two are planning to do this . Whatever you wanna do , do Inside the close room . (mumbles) I don't know why did I get these much pervert and unholy people ? First I thought I have to protect my Kid's innocence from TaeKook only but now they both join them too . I have to do something really fast . (left to his room by mumbling)

Joon (stood up from the floor) : What happened to him now ?

Jin : Nothing much . He is stone hearted person na so , he can't see anything romantic in front of his eyes .

Joon : Ok .


When Yoonmin went to Jimin's college , Jin was alone in the house . Suddenly doorbell rings and he opened the door and saw a handsome man with dimple smile looking at him lovingly .

 Suddenly doorbell rings and he opened the door and saw a handsome man with dimple smile looking at him lovingly

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My Strict Professor Husband (Yoonmin) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora