Chapter Seven: The Unseen Threat

Start from the beginning

While tracking the movements of the Bloodshot War Wyverns, Jingliu stumbled upon something that sent a chill down her spine. Deep, enormous gashes marred the landscape, their size and shape entirely different from the wyverns she had been instructed to annihilate. These gashes seemed to be the aftermath of a brutal and powerful force, one that didn't belong to the creatures she was pursuing.

"By the heavens," Jingliu muttered, her eyes narrowing as she examined the gouged earth. "These marks are far too large to be the work of Wyverns."

Continuing her exploration, a horrific stench assailed her senses, a rotten and putrid smell that threatened to make her gag. It was an indescribable odor, one that she had never encountered before in all her battles and travels. The source of this vile stench remained a mystery, but it was undoubtedly connected to the unfolding events.

"Something unnatural lingers here," she whispered to herself, her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her lightsword.

Then, she stumbled upon another unsettling sight. The crops and livestock in the area exuded a slimy black substance, and they appeared to be partially or almost fully consumed. The livestock carcasses were a grim testament to the savagery that had befallen the rural communities. It was evident that something else, something far more sinister than the Bloodshot War Wyverns, was in the vicinity, preying upon the land and its inhabitants.

Jingliu couldn't ignore the ominous implications of these clues. There was a hidden menace at play, and her investigation had taken a darker turn. She knew she had to delve deeper into this mystery to uncover the truth and put an end to the suffering that had befallen the villages.


As Jingliu continued her journey, the landscape around her began to change. The air grew thick with an eerie, greenish miasma that clung to the trees and enveloped the land like a sinister fog. It was a sight she knew all too well, a miasma that had once wrought havoc on the village she had visited at the beginning of her mission.

The memories of that fateful moment came rushing back—the helpless cries of the villagers, the decaying livestock, and the ruined crops. The miasma had been a harbinger of doom, and its resurgence filled Jingliu with a sense of dread.

"Could it be?" she muttered, her gaze scanning the tainted landscape.

The question hung in the air as she pressed forward, determined to uncover the truth. Was this malevolent phenomenon somehow connected to the Bloodshot War Wyverns, or was there a more sinister force at play?


After a few minutes of fast-paced sprinting, Jingliu eventually encountered the Bloodshot War Wyverns. Their monstrous forms loomed before her, their crimson-scaled bodies adorned with jagged spines and piercing eyes. However, instead of the aggressive stance she had expected, they were howling as if whimpering in fear.

"What's going on here?" Jingliu wondered aloud, her steps cautious as she approached the Wyverns.

The Wyverns' howls were mournful, their eyes filled with terror. It was a stark contrast to the fierce aggression she had anticipated.

"Face me," Jingliu demanded, her voice carrying a tone of unwavering seriousness. There was no room for games or hesitation; her motives were clear—to end the battle swiftly and decisively.

As she clashed with the Wyverns, the true extent of Jingliu's combat prowess was on full display. Her movements were a mesmerizing blend of grace and power. With unmatched agility and precision, she parried the Wyverns' wing slashes with ease, her motions fluid and efficient, with no unnecessary movement to be seen.

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