3º Cap - Giulia tries to escape, Lorenzo doesn't allow it

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Giulia came in silence next to that man, who she didn't know why, but it made her shiver and it wasn't from fear.

Lorenzo now studies Giulia's physiognomy through the car's rearview mirror, he knew they needed to fall in love first, before making her his wife.

Úrsula was waiting for Lorenzo, when she sees his car park and he gets out next to a beautiful woman.

Úrsula was waiting for Lorenzo, when she sees his car park and he gets out next to a beautiful woman

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- Lorenzo took a while.

- Ursula? Why are you here?

- I needed to talk to you.

- Couldn't you wait for the night at the casino?

- Who is she?

- This Giulia, my future wife.

- Your future what?

- Please follow Giulia, Domênico, while I resolve this issue with Úrsula.

- Please, accompany me Giulia.

Giulia passes by Úrsula, who sees up close how beautiful she was.

Overcome with great envy, Úrsula wants to strike her down.

- What does that mean Lorenzo?

- I don't think I have to give you satisfaction in my life, Úrsula.

- Yes, you do and I'm going to solve it now.

- Wait, where are you going?

- That woman is crazy, boss.

- You better go after her.

Úrsula enters the house furious.

- Get out of here now, you bitch, before I put my hand in your face.

Domênico holds Úrsula before she hits Giulia.

- What are you up to?

- Break this woman's face, who thinks she's going to steal Lorenzo from me.

- I don't belong to you and I never belonged to you, Ursula.

- I don't intend to steal anything from you. In fact, I don't even know what I'm doing here.

- Wait, Giulia.

Lorenzo holds her arm and Giulia pulls.

- I do not need this.

Giulia leaves with her eyes full of water.

- Stop her from leaving.

- OK.

Lorenzo holds Ursula firmly in his arms.

- Now it's you and me. Listen to something crazy, don't ever do that again, do you understand?

- You're hurting me Lorenzo.

Giulia was approaching the gate and Domênico, seeing that he wouldn't reach her, spoke on the radio.

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