He smiled at her, and she looked at him like he was a psicopath.

Jamina: If you dare touch him I will-

Luke: You won't do anything. The best thing you can do is to fall back. I really don't want to get dirty with yout blood.

Jamina: You motherf-

He punched her at superspeed and sent her flying in the other wall. She snarled and got up, wiping away the blood from her mouth. She tried fighting him, but he grabbed her hand, pressed it on her back and smashed her in the ground, with his foot on her back.

Luke: You've gotten weak. How pathetic.

She turned and kicked him in the foot, making him fall down. She ran along, but he only grabbed her and smashed his knee in her back. The AO saw a small explosion coming from his hand and Jamina fell on the ground. He got up and grabbed her by the foot and started dragging her across the hall, making a trail of blood.

Luke: I know you can hear me. And you're pathetic. I bet that boy would laugh if he saw you now. Pathetic.

He tossed her into a black room and tied her to a wall. Then, he stabbed her hard in the shoulder with a plain expression on his face.

Luke: Stay here. Any words that you would like to tell him before I kill him?

She spit some blood, opened her eyes and wheezed.

Jamina: Go to hell!

He looked at her then he smiled.

Luke: Happy Eternity day!

He got out and closed the door. He didn't needed to lock it. She wasn't going anywhere. Or so he thought. If he would've looked to his right, he would've seen 4 cildren looking treeified at him. But he didn't and continued on his way to greet Magnus. The AO opened the door and Jamina opened her eyes.

Lia: Hang on, we'll get you out of here!

Shun ran behind her and started working on the ropes.

Jamina: N-no! Don't waste your time on me! Go and help Magnus!

She broke the ropes with one hand and the wall behind her cracked a little, making the children retreat a bit.


Small tears were mixing with blood while she was struggling to get down.


Other alarms started ringing, as the entire wall crumbled down when she released herself.

Jamina: GO!

They looked at each other and nodded.

Dan: Ok, we'll go!

Jamina: And Dan?

Dan: Yea?

She looked down and bit her lip.

Jamina: Tell...tell Magnus it was not his fault...

He nodded and ran outside following the noises from the battle. But when they arrived there, they found Magnus and Luke fighting bare handed with each other. Ajit was staying back, watching them.

Dan: Ajit! What happened?

Ajit: I came here with Magnus, and they fought with bakugan. The fight didn't even start, and Magnus had already won. When he saw blood on Luke's hands, he started fighting him. And I don't think we should interfere.

He was right. There was so much hate in Magnus's eyes that they did not dared to get closer. Right now, he punched Luke in the face so hard that he wiped some blood.


Luke: Heh...your strong...kinda reminds me of Jamina...do you know that your friends with a weapon? She was created to destroy worlds. Did she ever tell you about her past? About the fact that she is kind of a tool? Do you really want to be friends with a pathetic no good-

With a punch Magnus knocked him out.

Magnus: I don't need you to tell me what to do. That was for what you did to Jamina. Now stay there!

He got up and looked at the AO.

Dan: Woah! You really knocked him out!

Magnus: What are you all doing here?

Dan: We were bored so we decided to go out and explore. Until we found some energy and helped your friend-


Dan: Down the hall to the-

Magnus didn't even waited for his response and rushed to the door. When they arrived, they only found Magnus on the ground, holding a piece of paper in his hands.

AN: Hi! After A LOT of work I finally managed to finish this. I'm kind'a proud, since I wrote so much. Also, I find it hard to follow the episodes since i can only watch the two first seasons. But not to worry. I plan on continuing this story until im happy with it. Also, enjoy! Dark exit!

1209 Words!!!!

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