<Chapter 34>

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 After awhile of silence, I wish Chris just had his mouth shut. All because of "Do you have a thing for Matt?" He asks at the table. Matt and I exchange looks of disgust. "Chris. Why would you ask that?" I ask. "Oh I don't know, like you guys haven't been lovey dovey these past few days." He says slightly annoyed. "For fuck's sake, Chris. Do you not use your brains?" Matt asks right starring at him.

"I'm just asking. Y/n? Do you and Matt have something going on?" He asks once again, calmer this time. "No. We don't." I say annoyed. "Even if they do, what the fuck's your problem?" Nick asks. "I wasn't talking to you." He mumbles. "Can we talk somewhere else?" I say standing. He nods and we make our way to a candy store in the airport. 

"I don't know why you care so much but things have been weird lately. Like you keep acting so childish which always ends up into fights. I just don't know what your problem is! AND YOU WON'T EVEN FUCKING SAY IT, INSTEAD YOU IGNORE ME LIKE I DON'T FUCKING EXIST! AND THE ONCE YOU MAKE UP FOR IT SOMEHOW YOU ALWAYS BRING SOMETHING ELSE UP THAT REPEATS ONCE MORE." I shout at him as he stares blankly. "You wanna know what my problem is??? You wanna know what my fucking problem is?" He provokes me. "Yes! Yes, I do. You're so fucking childish." I say. "My problem is  YOU. Okay? And I mean it. It's not fun to just watch the girl I've had as a good friend on for the longest time to be all lovebirds with my brother." He says followed by a scoff. 

"Are you stupid?" I say normally once again as he stares at me. "I fucking hate you Chris. I really do. Don't fucking ' Y/nnn please don't ignore me'. Go to hell." I say walking out the candy store back to where we were. "I'm going to check-in my luggage." I say storming off. "He's so fucking immature." I mumble whilst looking down. I bump into someone. "Sorry." I say not looking up before the person stood in front of me. 

"Yo, I'm tryna check-in my ba-" My voice trailed off as I saw Chris looking a mess. "Y/n, I'm sorry...I didn't mean what I said, I just got angry at the fact you and Matt were so close. Listen, I am really truly sorry." He says with disappointment in his voice. "Okay." I say. "What?" He says confused. "I said 'okay'." "No I know...Are you still mad?" He asks cutting me off by a bit. "What do you think?" I ask back. "Yeah." He whispers. 

"I'll think about talking to you." I say walking past him. " FYI, YOU'RE SITTING NEXT TO ME ON THE PLANE." He yells as I walk up to check-in my luggage. "Great." I mumble underneath my breath. I check-in the luggage and make my way back to where we were, originally.

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