<Chapter 25>

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I had already packed my bags and everything else I needed. I got a text from Chris while I was looking through my clothes to see if I wanted to bring any extras.


Chris: Come over?

Y/n: Are you done packing?

Chris: Right.

Y/n: Hmm. Can't come over.

Y/n: Sorry.

Chris: Why not?


Chris: Oh ok

Chris: Can I come over then?

Y/n: Sure but no one's home so it's locked from the inside.

Y/n: Call me when you get here.

(seen just now)

I sigh as I put my phone aside. I found a few tank tops and decided to just throw them into my luggage. Just then, I get a text from Chris once more.

Chris: Mom said I can't come over

Y/n: Why?

Chris: Matt and Nick ratted out on me

Y/n: What'd you do this time?

Chris: I might have forgotten to flush the toilet again.

Y/n: Not surprised.

Y/n: Have fun being grounded.

Chris: Can we ft?

Y/n: Chrissy poo misses me so much huh?

Chris: Maybe he does.

Chris: Maybe 'Chrissy poo' should ask the girl he misses so much to come over.

Y/n: Are you high bitch?

Chris: Nuh uh.

Y/n: Yeah fuck you


Y/n: Well....I didn't say no? BUT I also didn't say yes.

Chris: So..maybe?

Y/n: Maybe. and fuck you

Chris: Why? Can we snuggle?

Y/n: Ew, no. You're disgusting. Go snuggle with Nick.

Chris: I hate you.

Chris: FT

Chris: NOW

Chris: Please?

Y/n: No. Blocking you x

Chris: WAIT. Y/N DON'T 



Y/n: ft me, you little baby

Chris and I facetime for almost 2 hours talking about the trip and basically life when he brings up a..... topic. "Y/n? Can you come over?" A very sleepy voice says. "Please?" He whines. "Fine. I'll be there in 20." I say giving in. I rushingly clean up the mess in my room and leave the house through my window. I didn't have a spare house key plus if I leave through the main door I can't lock it. I climbed out my window and sprinted to the Sturniolo residence.

I ring the doorbell as Mary Lou answers. "Hey honey." She says with a wide smile. "Heyyyy" I say pulling her into a hug. "Is Chris home? He said it was urgent." I say faking a smile. "Yes, he's in his room." She says. "Thanks!" I says smiling. "You kids have fun but not too much fun. I've gotta run some errands outside of town." She says as I smile back in return weirdly at her statement. 

I open Chris's room door to see Chris half asleep. "Honey, I'm home!" I say sarcastically. "Y/nnnnn...." He says lazyly and picks me up from the door and sets me on the bed. "Don't do that ever. Or you WILL be LOOSING an EAR." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm tired asf but can't sleep." He says. "Aight, I'll take a nap too." I say crawling into the bed nd almost immediately sleeping my girlbossness away. (I'll regret this later but wtv)

After awhile I hear my phone and Chris's phone vibrate and flood with notifications like crazy. 

I'm getting back to writing as my mom is starting to get better. Hope y'all enjoyed this! next update is I'm not so sure when but yeah :)

Warm Hands | *Chris Sturniolo x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora