<Chapter 17>

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"Can I actually come along? Give me a sec I wanna change." I tell my mom running upstairs. I changed into a white tee I found laying on the floor and put on some grey sweatpants. I run downstairs to see my mom and Aunt Laura talking. 

"Aight, we can leave nowwwww." I tell them. All of us get into the car and my mom drove to Target instead but I didn't question it. I don't get why we drove though...Target was pretty close to where we live. She parks the car and we walk into the store. On the way, I met a familiar face. "Hey, do I know you?" They ask approaching me. "Fuck off Chris." I say rolling my eyes. "You came alone?" I ask looking around for Matt and Nick. "Yeah, I walked here...not too far." He says.

What I didn't realize was my mom and Aunt Laura were behind us (I'm a fast walker). DING. I hear a notification coming from my phone. I take it out from my pocket and check the notif. It was from my mom? Wasn't she right behind us? I turn around and see them smiling and pointing at me. At this point I was confused. "What the fuck?" I mumble. "Hm?" Chris says as he stops walking and facing me. "I'm confused but that's fine." I tell him.

I slip out an "Oh." and Chris looks at me. "Hey are you okay?" He asks.


Mom: Are you and Matt a thing now?


Mom: Don't play dumb Y/n. To make it clear...the BOY infront of YOU.

Y/n: Mom...that's Chris and no. We're not a thing.


(seen just now) 

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(seen just now) 

"Huh? Oh! yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." I tell him looking up from my phone. He yanks my phone out of my hand. "CHRIS GIVE IT BACK. IT'S NOT FUNNY." I tell him reaching for my phone. "Chill out and I'll hand it over." He says. I stop reaching for my phone and cross my arms. 

"We look cute." Chris says and winks. "You're gross." I tell him taking my phone back. I run into target and grab a cart. I see Chris running after. We're both in Target and Chris sees me with the cart. "Y/n wait." He says. "What?" I ask him. 

"Watch this." His says and PICKS ME UP?!?!?! "CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU MAD?!?!" I snap at him. He puts me in the cart. "AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH. YOU LOOK LIKE A KID." He cackles. I stay in the cart as he pushes it around and we go into the herbs and spice isle? "My mom wanted this." He said grabbing something and putting it into the cart. I hear a camera click as I was minding my own business.

I got bored sitting in the cart so I walked to where the drinks were. I got around 20 Pepsi cans and put them in the cart knowing Chris would finish most of them. Click. "Chris stop." I tell him putting the cans into the cart. "I need pics for photo dumps of today."


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Warm Hands | *Chris Sturniolo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now