<Chapter 12>

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I woke up by a loud clang that came from the kitchen. "Mom?" I say rubbing my eyes. "Am I mom now?" I see Nick walking to the couch drinking Dr.Pepper. "Were practically raiding each other's houses at this point." I say still rubbing my eye. "Did Madi tell you she isn't following us on that trip?" I ask Nick as I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. "Yeah..she did and she's headed out with some friends. It's okay! We can still have fun plus I think we should go there earlier?" Nick suggests. "Uhh yeah we can go earlier but I'll have to book everything ASAP. When should we go?" I ask scanning the fridge.

"Exactly one week from now." Nick says checking his phone. "So that'll be next Friday." I say closing the fridge. "Could you wait for me Nick? I'll go get ready real quick and pack clothes for the stay." I say rushing upstairs. "Sure." I hear Nick say. I hop into the shower, spend at least 5 minutes in there. I throw on a random t-shirt and and some jeans. I grab my bag and pack a few clothes and other things including a bit of my makeup, charger and headphones. I zip the bag and run downstairs with it. I sprint into the laundry room, open the dryer and pack the clothes Chris lent me yesterday so I could return it. I run back into the living room and see Nick talking to my mom.

"Yeah and we're planning on going on trip next week. Me and Matt decided on Florida for vacay." Nick says. "Oh yeah that's fine." My mom says smiling at Nick. I set my bag near the door and hug my mom. "Tell Mads to have fun with her friends for me." I say as I follow Nick outside. The both of us start walking to their house. "Florida??" I ask Nick. "Mhm.... we'll vote today!" Nick says. "No no, I'm fine with Florida. But Matt is definitely NOT driving." I tell Nick followed by him slipping a laugh.

We get there and the first thing I do is set my bag next to the couch and hug Mary Lou. "Hi Y/n." Mary Lou says smiling wide. "Hiii, thank you so much for letting me stay over." I tell her. "Oh it's nothing. The mom's are having a girls day out so I'll see you guys tomorrow." Mary Lou says. "Oh! and Uncle Jim and your dad has gone fishing. So I'm putting Nick in charge." She adds. "Alright! I'll help Nick if that's okay." I say smiling. "Yes, of course." Mary Lou says. She walks to the door as she yells Matt and Chris's names. They both rush down. I'm guessing they were playing video games? Well, I'm pretty sure they were.

"Chris you suck at the game." Matt says running downstairs. "I don't suck. You think you're so cool and won't stop bragging about how good you are." Chris says rolling his eyes at Matt and runs after him downstairs to where Mary Lou was. "Nick's in charge. So you two please behave alright?" Mary Lou says and we all nod. Then after a few minutes of talking with their mom she said it was time for her to go out.

Right after she left, Matt said the most outrageous thing to tell someone....

Warm Hands | *Chris Sturniolo x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon