<Chapter 6>

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We both leave Chris's room and walk downstairs. I see Matt, I wonder where he was the entire time. I shrugged off the thought and walk towards where Madi and Nick were sitting. Chris sits next to Matt on the couch. "I'm surprised you managed to pull it off in such a short amount of time." Nick says which I chuckle to in response. Matt gets up from where he's sitting and faces us. "We better leave now so we don't get late." He says. I grab my purse and follow the rest of them to the car.

Matt sits in the drivers seat, Chris being the passenger princess, Nick at the back (middle), Me on the right and Madi on the left. Matt then starts driving us to our location. It was an hour long ride. We were all talking the entire time and before we knew it we were there.

We all except Matt got down to park. We went in together after Matt had done parking. I walk in between Chris and Madi. Just when we entered their friends came up to us. "Heyyyy guyss! Hey Chris." She says in a very VERY flirtatious tone. She says. "Hey Nicole." the triplets says in sync. "Heyy Madi!!" Nicole says. "Hey Nicole." I see Madi fake smiling then them hugging.

 "Who's she?" She looks in slight disgust. "Oh, I'm Y/n." I say putting my hand out to shake but she rolls her eyes and doesn't shake back. I look at Chris in confusion. "Is she your girlfriend or something?" I asked. "No..no no it's nothing like that." She walked away when she saw more guests arriving. "She did change from the last time we saw her." He says the last sentence quietly. I  shrug it off and pretended like nothing had happened.

We walk further more into the house and all I could say was there was definitely alcohol involved. There were few people who were passed out, some drinking. Nick and Madi went to talk to some of their old high school friends. "I'm gunna catch up with some old friends too." Matt says and Chris follows him. "Alright." I say as I walk to the drinks section. I wanted to get some punch.

After a few minutes right after Matt  and Chris left some dude came up to me. "Hey pretty girl." He says then cupping my cheek. I yank his arm down but he places it back. "Stop touching me!" I yelled at the guy. "Yeah and what are you gunna do about it?" he asks. Just then a few other guys come up to me. "Well well" a random voice says. 

"Please leave me alone." I say. "Or what? You gunna cry?" another guy asks. I take a few steps back when I hit someone's chest. "Or you're gunna have to fight me." I see the faces of the guys change and they leave. I turn around to see Chris. He didn't say anything but pulled me into a hug.  I stay there in silence. "Forget about them, all they do is pick on others. You okay?" He asks. He stops hugging me. I look up at him. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say as I go to stand next to him. 

Right then I see Nicole walking towards us with her arms crossed. "I saw what happened. Your pity little girlfriend couldn't defend herself I'm guessing." She says while I stood there in shock. "Dude. She was getting harassed by 3 men. What could she possibly do?" Chris asks back this time raising his voice slightly. "Aww you poor baby, had to call your Lacrosse Captain boyfriend to scare away those dimwits?" She says pathetically to me. Without thinking I throw a punch and she lands on the floor holding her nose which then started bleeding. "Never. EVER. try shit like that with me." I raise my voice. Nicole then screams calling her other friends.

Everyone then starts circling us. I see Chris calling the gc. "Matt get the car. Nick and Madi meet us there. Right now." Chris says firmly. He grabs my arm and drags me outside. The car waits at the entrance of Nicole's house. Chris gets in the passenger and I sit in the back. None of us say anything. "Chris-" I speak after awhile. "Later." He says focused on his phone.

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