<Chapter 20>

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I walk upstairs to see Nick laughing on Chris's floor? "Nick? Are you okay?" I ask him concerned. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." He says in between laughs. "Okay?" I say not wanting to know why was he laughing like that. "Y/n watch this vid." Nick says handing the phone over to me. "YOU RECORDED ME?!?! OH NICK YOU'RE SO DEAD." I tell him as I wrestled him on Chris's floor.

"What the fuck are you guys doing in my room?" Chris asks holding back a laugh. "I GOT Y/N'S INCIDENT ON CAMERA." Nick yells. "YOU DID!?!? LET ME SEE." Chris yells back. "NO NO, THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY. PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT POST THAT." I begged them. "I won't." Nick says. "I will." Chris says grabbing Nicks phone and runs downstairs. I couldn't chase after him as Nick was gluing my legs to the ground.

Chris runs back up as I'm still glued to the floor and hands Nick the phone. "That was quick. You already posted it?" Nick asks. "I sent it to myself, I'll post it from my account." Chris says.

I see him touching his phone screen rapidly. "Done." He says with a smile. "I fucking hate you." I tell Chris still laying on the ground. "And I love you too." Chris says smiling. I roll my eyes at him in return.                                                                                                                                                          Nick finally lets go of my leg. I run downstairs when I heard a knock. "Y/n wait. Don't open it." Nick says. He walks up to the door and peeks through it. "Lock the doors and windows." Nick says. I lock all the windows with the help of Chris. After that we locked all the doors.                                                 

 I hurry to Chris's room and grab my phone. I call Matt. "Matt. Where are you?? You can't come home...not yet." I tell him in a shaky voice. "What's wrong?" Matt asks. "It's the kid again...the one who came to my house the other day. He's outside." I tell Matt. "Oh...calm down. I'm heading somewhere else...until then, call the cops." He says and hangs up.

I leave the room and head downstairs. I walk over to Chris and sit next to him. "I'm calling the cops." I tell him. "I already did." Chris says. Almost right after Chris said that, we heard sirens. Nick finally opens the door and we see the guy getting arrested. 

"Sir, you are under arrest for attempted kidnap." The cop says bringing him into the back of their car. Another cop walks to us, "I believe she was the victim?" The cop says and I nod my head 'yes'. "Can we see that video again?" She asks me.Video?...what video? "Err, yes. Here." Chris says handing his phone to the cop in front of us.

After awhile, they leave and I see my mom's car parked in the driveway and Matt arrives at the same time. I see my parents and I give them a big hug. They walk to the main door of the Sturniolo residence and thank the boys for keeping me safe. (Lol)


Warm Hands | *Chris Sturniolo x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora