<Chapter 10>

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 I woke up to Chris having his entire arm on my waist. I could barely move an inch. I hear Matt having a conversation with Nick but I couldn't see them. I hear someone walking into the living room so I pretend to sleep again.

"Matt! Look at this." I hear Nick saying in between laughs. "Wait shh...take a pic." I hear Matt giggling. I then move around to hint that I'm awake. "Nick?" I ask rubbing my eyes as I play dumb. "Well...?" Nick says looking suspiciously. "What? Also can you help me get this kid off of me? I can't move." I whine. "Mhm....." Nick says as he grabs Chris's arm and I slide down the couch. "Soo??" Nick says. "So what Nick??" I ask him standing up from the floor. "Nothing." Matt says hitting Nick's arm. "Matt." I say. "It's nothing. I promise kid." he says punching my shoulder lightly as I stand there in silence.

 "Madi went home btw." Nick says. "What? Why?" I ask worried. "Your parents and all already came home and I think her mom wanted her over." Nick says. "OH okay." I say. "Matt let's go." Nick says. "Yea yeah. Oh and kid, me and Nick are go out to eat. You want anything?" Mat asks taking the car keys and walking out. "Waffles please. Thank you. Also can I have like 4? I'm really hungry. You both pick the flavors I don't mind." I say as I see Matt laughing and then leaving after Nick who was probably already in the car.

"Chris. wake up." I say as I nudge him. "Hmm...15 more minutes. please." He groaned. "Ugh. Shouldn't have annoyed me last night." I walk upstairs to Chris's room and take a shower. I walk towards his closet and take a plain black t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I change into the clothes and head downstairs.

"Finally awake." I tell Chris who was sitting on the kitchen island. "Yeah yeah. Are those mine?" He asks pointing at what I was wearing. "Yeah. They comfy as heck" I say laughing afterwards. "You look better than I do in it." Chris says as he take a Pepsi can from the fridge. "Bro are you actually drinking Pepsi right after you waking up?" I ask as I take the can from his hand and taking a sip. "Y/n...hand it over." Chris says demanding. I give it back to him and walk towards the living room. I jump on the couch and turn on the tv. 

I hear the door open and see Matt and Nick home with the waffles. "My wafflesssss." I say as I grab them out from Nicks hand and bring it to the dining table. "Did you guys get me anything?" Chris asks Matt and Nick. "No. You were asleep so it's not our fault." Nick says. Chris furrows his eyebrows and juts his lips.

"I planned ahead and sorta lied to you, Matt. The other 2 were for the goof bag." I say as I hand Chris his waffles and Matt rolling his eyes playfully. "Thanks Y/n." Chris says smiling from ear to ear. "No biggie, it's for letting me borrow your clothes I guess." I say as I start eating my chocolate drizzled waffles. Turns out all four waffles were the same flavor. How creative of Matt and Nick. Well at least it had sprinkles.

a/n : I won't be posting as much for the next week bcs I'm having exams. (gunna kms.)(real)

SORRYYY but to make up to it I'll post 3 chapters a day the following week!!

Warm Hands | *Chris Sturniolo x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat