31. The Park Predicament

Start from the beginning

He narrowed his eyes at me, skillfully recognising my excited tone as a sign for mischief.
"Yeah jam?"
I smiled, giggling a little to myself
The way I was leaning out over the ropes must've scared Andi as he warned.
"No Jamie don't you dare-"
I groaned and shook the rope impatiently
"Nooo, Im not stupid. Andi help"

"Oh I get you bambi, alright lemme get closer"
Andi moved further forward and I descended a rung or two to meet him in the middle. Before he did anything I quickly made sure Ben was watching.
"Ben looking?"
I turned sheepishly to him and he chuckled
"Not missing a second James"

I beamed and gave a nod to andi to go ahead. He reached out a picked me up by my waist. Making whooshing sounds all the while, Andi flipped me in the air many many times. He even held me upside down just above the ground for super long.

I screeched and giggled for him to stop and he set me upright on the ground, finishing my awesome cartwheel. I jumped up and down in place and continued giggling. Andi was smiling at me, he looked so happy.

Ben hopped down off ropes after he was done marveling at my amazing acrobatics.
"Ben see?"
I eagerly double-checked and he affirmed
"Of course I saw James that looked like so much fun. Where'd you learn to cartwheel like that?"

I grabbed the edge of Andis overshirt and waved it
"Andi showed me, but I can do it really well by myself too"
I bragged and Ben chuckled
"Lemme see then"

I let go of andi and moved into an open area to cartwheel. But before I could someone yelled
"Andrew! Andrew hey!"
We all looked and saw a woman with a stroller just outside the playground. Andi waved to her and headed for me, crouching down and saying.

"Sorry honey, this lady's my friend. I'm just gonna talk to her for a quick minute and then I'll be back. That ok?"
I whined but nodded, insisting
"Be quick"
He took my hand and gave it a little squeeze.
"I will Jam"

Andi walked away and I must've been zoning out staring at him as Ben made me jump a little when he spoke to me.
"Uh- yeah?

He smiled at me
"You were gonna show me your cartwheel?"
"Oh yeah!"
I excitedly readied myself to cartwheel again when Andi called out.

"Ben could you come here a second please"
I whined again loudly, making Ben, Andi and the woman laugh. Andi assured
"I won't keep him long Jam"
I blushed as the woman laughed again. Ben put his hand on my shoulder and whispered.
"It's alright James, you can hide out in the castle if you want till we're done. I swear I'll be right back, and then we can do loads of cartwheels"
"Yeah.. want that"
I said quietly and Ben nodded before running off.

I wasn't exactly scared of being alone, I could see Ben and Andi chatting to the woman. Just when the momentum stops the bad thoughts in my head start to sound louder. I frowned and tried to think of a distraction.

I thought I might look for better hiding spots so ran back to main tower. I grabbed onto the little rock climbing wall when someone on the opposite end of the playground from Andi and Ben shouted at me.

"Jamie? Oh my god Jamie is that you?!"
I was ripped out of any semblance of headspace by the voices. I dropped off the wall and looked in their direction, finally seeing two old friends from a group I used to follow around. Rayne and Cassy. I hadn't seen them in so long.
I excitedly greeted back and ran up to them.

"Jamie where have you been, you're not around any of your usual spots. We got us thinking the worst-"
They looked at the playground then back at me. Cassy laughed
"And what're you doing here?"
I blushed
"Oh uh, me and Ben were just hanging out"
"Um yeah... we were doing um- graffiti on the castle"
They looked at each other and sniggered.

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now