Chapter Twenty- Six: Visions & Views

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Thanks, bye," I say to Perrie and then hang up my phone, shoving it back into my pocket.

"Hello Henry," I coo down to the little boy in my arms and he lets out another squeak, breathing heavily as his beautiful little face brightens up. "Do you like that name? Is that a nice name? I think it is! I think it suits you."

"Have you picked one?" Dr Callan walks back over and I look back down into the baby boy's beautiful eyes as they look around, his thick eyelashes creating a to die for beauty. He really is handsome.

"Henry James."


{Jake's POV}

I've often doubted myself. What I am capable of. What I can actually achieve. Who I can really be. I mean, come on. Rixton is nowhere near as popular as other bands and I sometimes wonder whether that's what we deserve, maybe we're not as good as we think.

My dad always told me to never doubt your abilities, so I've tried not to. But that's not really me. I'm not confident, especially not within myself. But when do you take that leap of faith? That jump that if everything fails you will fall, but if it works out, you'll fly.

"Hey Jesy," the woman who I presume is her obstetrician walks into the room, taking the seat on the other side of the table that Jesy is on. "Hi, you must be the father," the lady gives me a bright smile and extends her hand across Jesy. What? No, I'm just Jesy's friend, I'm not the father.

"Yes, this is Jake," Jesy replies and I feel my hand shaking the doctor's whilst I give Jesy a look of absolute shock. Wha- what? I'm not the father, unless Jesy thinks I'm going to be the father.... Which I'd be more than happy to be.

Imagine that.... If I got to be the father of Jesy's baby. I'd take him or her to the park, football training, or dancing, or singing classes and then I could take the little tucker to school and make lunch box treats. And we could give him or her siblings and we'd be like a proper family.... and I am getting way too far ahead of myself here.

Jesy might've just said that for her dignity. Yeah, I reckon that's why she said it. I don't think she was being literal about it.

The doctor starts the scan and points out all the features, including the tiny toes, adorable face shape, oversized head, tiny body. We listen to the heartbeat and the doctor runs checks on the baby's vitals and on Jesy. 

"Now, do you want to know the gender of your little one?" Doctor Erica asks Jesy. Jesy looks across at me and I see the excitement in her eyes. 

"It's up to you Jes," I reply, gently rubbing her hand that is enclosed within mine. 

"Yes please," Jesy smiles at Doctor Erica. 

"It's a boy!" Doctor Erica beams at Jesy and I feel something inside me sparkle and get excited. Jesy's going to have a son. A little boy! That's so amazing. He's going to be the cutest little lad. 

"A boy!" Jesy turns to look at me, her eyes filling with tears. "We're going to have a son!" 

I feel my heart stop beating momentarily whilst I still display a joyful smile towards Jesy. We're. As in, Jesy and I are going to have a son. Nah, it can't be like that. I'm sure Jesy just said that in the moment. I still don't think she'd seriously see me as a father for her son. But, what if she does?

Doctor Erica gives Jesy some documents, has a bit more of a chat with her, and then we head out to reception, pay, and then leave, getting into my car and heading away from the clinic. The things Jesy previously said still whizzing around my mind. 

"Um, Jes," I mumble. 

"Hmm," Jesy responds. 

This is going to be my leap of faith. Either I will stuff this up terribly and everything I've had with Jesy over the past few months will go down the drain and probably never return... or it will be the happiest moment of my life. 

"What's up Jake?" 

"Um, well, I was just wondering, if you um, well..." I mumble, unable to put my thoughts into words.

"What I meant when I said that you're the father and that we're, as in you and I, are having a boy?" Jesy asks, reading my mind completely. Okay, I'm apparently easy to read as well. 


"Jake, don't stress over it!" Jesy laughs, her hand resting on my thigh as I continue to look at the road ahead, my cheeks flaming up, too afraid to look across at Jesy. "Look, you've been a better father than Jordan will ever be or was ever going to be. I've heard you singing to the baby and how excited you get over things like this. I mean it when I say that I want you to be part of my baby's life. Jake, I'd be thrilled if you we're his father. But only if you want to, there is no pressure."

"Are you serious?!" I ask with excitement, turning to look at Jesy, my whole face beaming. This is.... Oh my goodness. Yes, yes, yes times a million, yes. 

"Yes Jake, I am serious," Jesy laughs.

"Of course! Yes! I will be his father!" I tell Jesy happily and then look back at the road, a smile from ear to ear. "Do you know how much I love you?" I ask. The car suddenly goes silent and I look across at Jesy who is looking back at me, tearing up.

"You love me?"

"Ye- yes Jesy. I love you, I'm in love with you."

"I love you too," Jesy replies. I give her a warm smile and then look back towards the road once again, this time placing my hand onto her thigh, gently caressing it. We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both just happy with what has occurred over the past hour. 

Yes, this might seem hurried and rushed. But I do love her. And I think when you know, you know. Sometimes it can be hard to see the full picture, but even just a blurry vision can be a good indicator of what is yet to come. For me, it's loud and clear that I love Jesy and our son. 

"Does this mean we're 'partners'?" Jesy asks.

"Yes Jesy, it does."

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