Gojo Satoru

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You were only covered by a bra and underwear, and you tugged at your loose skin in the mirror. Your stretch marks and cellulite apparent. Your eye bags made your face look shallow, and your heart ached. You felt so terribly hideous, except this was nothing out of the ordinary. You never felt confident in your own skin...or even your personality.

Your insecurities felt as though they had crawled down your throat and created a home that took the form of a pit in your gut. Your skin was so soft, yet it felt hideous (if that was even possible). It was a repulsive. You were repulsive.

Your thighs still had the scars from when you had been violated in the warehouse, before Sukuna found you.

You felt so disgusting. You were disgusting. If you could, you would tear off every single one of your insecurities. Even without the features at all, you would still be prettier, you had told yourself.

You felt a weight in your hands. A scalpel.

You took the scalpel and cut off your biggest physical insecurity. The body part fell into a bucket below you. You decided to repeat this process until all that was left was the remnants that were left of your skeleton, and your organs. You looked at yourself again in the mirror. Your heart beat fast, and your eyeballs stared.

Your heart. You always hated your personality. You pulled your heart out from your skeleton, and dropped it in the bucket, watching it's iambic beat fade away.

Your eyes. You were always taught your eyes were the window to the soul. You took them and dropped them into the bucket too. All emotion and humanity had left you.

You grabbed the handle of the bucket, and tried to pull it. It hardly moved. It was too heavy. You tried to pull your hand off the handle, but it wouldn't get out of your grip. You resorted to the greed that every human possessed.

You slowly dragged the bucket behind you, calling out to the empty area around you, "Buy my body! Buy my body!"

You stumbled over, the bucket was heavy. You got back up and continued to drag it along.

"Buy my body! Buy my body!"

As you walked, you bumped into something. Due to your lack of eyes, you could not see. Your eyes were pressed back on your face a long with your lips. 

They both fell off your body.

"Shit..." A soft voice said.

Your eyes were pressed back into your sockets, and you could see again.

You froze when you saw who was in front of you.

Your lips had been cut off along with your tongue. You could not speak. 

Satoru tried to push your lips and tongue back onto your face, but it was no use. They fell onto the sandy floor that was the dream domain.

Gojo held a sand rose in his palm and tried to fit it onto your body somehow. He fit it between two of your ribs, and took a step back to examine his handy work. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart."

You froze. No you didn't.

He held your skull up by the jaw and tilted your face to look at him. "Absolutely stunning. You look almost as beautiful as you did on our wedding day. I think a pair of lips for me to kiss, and some hair for me to run my hands through, and you'd be prettier than every girl on earth." He smiled awkwardly and carefully pressed your lips back onto your face. He looked around, and pulled his belt off. He used it to strap your lips to your skull, and kissed you. He then found your hair in the bucket and place it on top your head. He ran his fingers through your hair, and it almost fell off your skull completely, but he caught it.

He kissed you while he gently pet your hair.

"Oh you look gorgeous honey. Absolutely stunning. Breath-taking."

He saw you try to speak.

He simply embraced you. "You're amazing my love."

You shook your head, and he forced you to nod.

"My opinion is the only opinion that matters sweetheart. Mine and only mine, and I think you're gorgeous," He pressed his fingers right under your eyes, "I love your eyes. Every time you look at me, I almost want to dive into them because I know If I did I'd be swimming in a pool of absolute perfection."

You stopped. Your sight came back completely and your eyelids were back. You could blink and see like you did before.

"You're lips are so beautiful, I wish I could never stop kissing them."

The belt holding up your lips fell to the floor, and you opened your mouth to speak only to find you still did not have your tongue. 

"Your voice is so kind, it makes me feel like everywhere you go is my home."

You tongue returned and you could speak again.


He snapped, "No, don't talk. I need you to hear this."

One by one Gojo named each of your body parts, complimenting them, and each one returned to your body.

Once you were finally finished, you were bare naked in front of him. You were embarrassed. Even if this was the dream domain, he wouldn't tell you that because he didn't want you to think he was a dream. He pulled off his white shirt, and gently pulled the large garment over your body. He kissed you deeply, missing this contact more than anything in the world. He embraced you and gently rocked you back and forth, cuddling you.

"I love you..."



"I-" You vaporized. Gojo somehow knew you hadn't died, but knew you had woken up. He looked at his feet, but decided it was best not to think to hardly about the situation. He looked around and found the head of Jin Sakura. He grabbed it by the hair and took it with him as he broke out of the dream domain, and within seconds was brought back to the arena, where everything was normal.


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