Bunk Mates and Tag

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The champions were escorted by guards back to their bunks where they would be staying. They were not allowed to leave unless it was for the games. To avoid unnecessary deaths (in previous years people were grouped by district, and it resulted in special grades and first grades killing the weaker contestants), everybody was grouped by grade. So Gojo was in a room with four others, all of which special grades, as well as the only other special grades in the competition.

The group walked in and were assigned their beds. Each bed had white sheets and a pillow, with a dark green comforter. On top of each bed was some plain black pajamas, soap, toothpaste, a tooth brush, a hairbrush and comb, then some hair ties and scissors (The gladiator games were known for either taking a short amount of time or a long time, so the boys often had hair growing too long in front of their face, so they received scissors to cut their hair if that was the case).

As soon as the guard left, scissors were thrown right at Gojo's face. They hit his infinity and he grabbed them and threw them back at the boy who threw them.

"Damn, he really does have that infinity shit," Mukuru Amari, the second contestant announced after Megumi had caught the scissors and was twirling them around in his fingers like a pen.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, you could poke your eye out." Suzaku Eto, the 57th contestant announced, had her long hair down as she worked to put it up in a bun. Her blue eye glimmered just like Gojo's in the dim light of the room.

"You would know wouldn't you?" Mukuru responded smirking.

"Oh shut up, I had the balls to do what you wouldn't."

Mukuru rolled his eyes, and Suzaku smiled proudly.

Megumi meanwhile was sitting on his bed, pouting.

Gojo looked at him, and quickly looked away when Megumi shot him a glare.

Gojo caught the eye of Kairos Miki, who was standing next to him inspecting him.

"Hey?" Gojo asked the boy who looked to be around Megumi's age, just a lot skinnier and scrawnier.

"Are you really Gojo Satoru?" he asked.

Everybody turned to look at Gojo. Sazaku got a bit closer and examined him closely with her blue eye. Gojo looked down at her, trying to comprehend what he was seeing in her eye. His eyes were telling him she had HIS six eyes.

She looked him up and down. "It says he really is, but that doesn't make sense."

"And you have the six eyes, that shouldn't be possible." Gojo bent down and looked the girl right in the eye.

She leaned back and crossed her arms. She saw Megumi, and had an idea.

"Hey General Fushiguro."

He looked up and narrowed his eyes, "What?"

"Is he really Gojo Satoru?" She leaned next to him and pointed at Gojo.

"Your six eye doesn't lie, does it?" He responded while he looked over some papers that had been given to him by one of the soldiers.

"Okay yeah, but shouldn't he be dead?" She asked trying to take a peek at the paper.

Megumi pushed her head away. "Time travel, a little girl that had a time travel technique was used to bring him back. But it's been taken care of now. The emperor and empress are personally overseeing her training."

"The empress too? Is it true she's going to reveal her face soon?" Mukuru walked past Gojo and next to Sazaku.

"Stop asking me questions."

"Fineeee..." Sazaku walked over to her bed and sat down.

Kairos was still looking Gojo over.

"What are you doing?" Gojo asked, still trying to be nice.

Kairos looked up at his face and immediately gagged. He went to the small bathroom that was in the corner of the room and threw up into the toilet.

Mukuru laughed. "He took one look at your face and hurled over!"

Sazaku laughed in unison, "I know we hate him stuff, but don't you think that's a bit exaggerated Kairo?"

Kairo washed his face, and walked back to his bed and grabbed his tooth brush and toothpaste. He muttered something angrily to himself, and looked back up at the two. "You try and eat some guys dad and then look at him in the eyes without vomiting." He returned to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Gojo's eyes widened immediately, "You ate my dad?!"

The room went silent.

"He doesn't know..." Muruku looked at Sazaku with a shocked expression.

She exchanged the same look with him.

"Dude, there is a black market for the body parts of anybody related to you. His district went broke after buying the body of your dad." She raised her eyebrows, and looked at him laughing.

Gojo looked with disgust at the floor, "w-why..?"

"For your cursed techniques obviously," She rolled her eyes and gestured to the bathroom door, "After his district mysteriously lost a bunch of money and your dad's body went missing, Emperor Sukuna launched an investigation into it. General Maki, who led the investigation, found out about the whole thing and brought it up to the Emperor."

"You got it wrong. I found out about his cursed technique and what the district was trying to do." Megumi spoke up while he flipped through the papers he was reading.

"Whatever," Sazaku rolled her eyes again and continued, "Anyways, after the Emperor found out, he approved of the district's idea to make Kairo eat the body in hopes of gaining one of your techniques. He publicly ate every last bite of your dad's body, even the bones, and is now able to use one of your techniques. No idea which one though."

Gojo wanted to gag. "That's disgusting..."

"Consequences of being the strongest, dude." She shrugged.

"Is that what happened to you and your eye? Because I see no Gojo blood in you at all." He glared down at the girl.

"Kind of." She twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, "I have a technique that allows me to break any jujutsu barrier, and/or morph it into any shape I want. So I broke the barrier around your body in the capital, and stole one of your eyeballs. I then scooped my own eye out and replaced it with yours using cursed reversal technique!" She pretended to scoop Gojo's eye out of her own socket, and Gojo looked away repulsed.

Mukuru high-fived her, and they both laughed. Kairo came out of the bathroom and went to go lie down on his bed.

Megumi stood up and knocked on the door of room. A guard opened it and took the papers from him and shut the door again.

"What were those papers, General Fushiguro?"

He ignored the girl and sat back on his bed.

She sighed, "Do any of you have any idea what the challenge tomorrow will be? I know part of it is gonna be tag, but I can't figure out what the second part means."

"I am a children's game where one is it, however be ready for a grounded split." Muruku repeated, "Honestly no idea."

"There isn't much we can do to prepare for it anyways." Kairo commented.

"Ugh! Stupid clue!" Sazaku plopped on her bed and kicked off her shoes.

"We'll find out tomorrow I guess." Kairo yawned and lied down on his bed.

"Guess so..." Gojo soon drifted off to a deep sleep.

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