The Beautiful Heartbreak of Losing a Loved One

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"Thanks for the help sir."

"No problem. Your translator here is also acting as your 'husband' so just try to fit in."

Itadori shook the hands of the US soldier that escorted the three, plus their new translator to the Israeli border.

"Let's go." The translator led the group as Itadori walked behind holding Kiko's hand, and Gojo walked behind them. People were already staring at what appeared to be a Muslim woman who was 193 centimeters, when really it was just Gojo. The uncomfortable reality of not being able to use his infinity as he walked through the crowds of people. Itadori had gotten a bit worried about the prospect of losing Kiko in the crowd so he was carrying the young girl in his arms.

"Aren't Burkas only supposed to be worn by married women?" Gojo leaned down to ask the translator.

"Uh yes, but sometimes girls get married right as they get their first menstrual days. So she could be old enough." He continued walking. Gojo frowned under his veil and looked ahead.

The line getting through the border into district Alpha Omega was huge, but after several hours of waiting they were about to enter the promised land. Their "husband" had their forged ID's at hand as he approached the checkpoint and spoke to the soldier running the checkpoint.

"Spread your legs and put your arms out, we're running a cursed energy test." Two other soldiers held AK-47's in their hands ready to shoot of the need be. Another soldier came over with what looked like a manual metal detector, and began scanning for cursed energy.

Gojo and Itadori exchanged nervous glances, and Kiko pointed to the other side of the checkpoint where two men were being tackled to the ground and arrested for hiding cursed energy.

Gojo pushed Kiko's arm down so she wouldn't bring any attention to herself, and Itadori set her down to go through the check point.

Itadori stared intensely as the little girl was scanned for cursed energy. The detector did not go off.

Itadori and Gojo both sighed a huge sigh of relief, and Itadori went next. Still nothing.

Finally, it was Gojo's turn. Something had to show up here. He literally had unlimited cursed energy.

Still nothing. They got lucky. The detector must have been defective.

There were K-9 unites everywhere sniffing and investigating everybody with their noses.

After many layers of security however, they finally made it to the Inn they would be staying at for the night. The rooms were separated by gender, so Itadori, Gojo, and Kiko were in one room, and the translator was in another.

Gojo lifted his veil and took a deep breath. "This thing gets hot..."

Itadori did the same, and he helped Kiko with hers.

Kiko yawned and hugged Itadori.

"Are you heading to bed, Kiko?"

"Yes big bro..." she yawned again, and got on the mat that was a bed in the inn.

Gojo sat by the window, keeping his face hidden behind the sill. Itadori stood next to him, looking solemnly out at the beautiful lights let out by the Mosque standing alone in the distance.


Gojo flinched. Itadori had not called him that ever since he had arrived. Itadori had changed so much. He was no longer the kind hearted and sensitive teenage boy he once was. Now he looked like had been to hell and back.

"What is it Yuji?" He smiled up at his student who looked down uncomfortably.

"How are you so positive all the time even after seeing the world of a sorcerer?"

Shogunateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें