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The special grades sat in their room, all sitting on their beds. Every single one of them reflecting on the past challenge.

"Somebody tell me, why were there third grade sorcerers in this competition?" Gojo spoke up.

"Only three of them." Sazaku replied.

"I'm surprised they all survived, usually they're all dead by now." Muruku leaned back against the headboard.

"Why is it that you're just sending in third grade sorcerers to die?" Gojo threw his hands up in irritation.

"It's just whatever the districts can muster up sometimes. They choose the strongest among them to be their champion, and sometimes it's the only jujutsu sorcerer in their arsenal." Muruku sighed.

"Why don't they just not send anybody?" Gojo looked at the other sorcerers who did not looked bothered at all. "I mean, I understand sometimes there are sacrifices made, but this just seems like purposely sending some weak sorcerers with no chance to their death. If it weren't for me, my teammates would have probably died."

"It's required that every district send somebody. No idea why though." Muruku shrugged.

"It's so everybody has equal representation, and so that people like General Maki aren't overlooked." Megumi spoke up as he stood up to go take a shower.

"Hey General Fushiguro, you looked like you knew what the clue was when Emperor Sukuna read it out loud. Is he telling you everything we're going to be doing?" Sazaku giggled.

Megumi shook his head, "I just know what it is because the emperor had me test this challenge to see if it was good enough to be used in military training."

"I'm guessing it was not, because none of us ever did it?" Sazaku said.

"Yeah." Megumi shut the door to the bathroom and the faint sound of running water was heard.

"Were all of you guys in the military? Is that how you all know each other?" Gojo asked.

Sazaku nodded, "Emperor Sukuna's Jujutsu policy required that all of us be in the military, which honestly I wasn't happy about at first, but I really appreciate it now. I've grown so super strong, and I got to go to the Middle East and see some pretty neat things."

"If it wasn't for the Emperor's policy, I would have never rejoined the Jujutsu world. I was kicked out by the higher ups because of my technique." Muruku stood up, "I was abandoned and all that shit."

Gojo nodded as he looked at Muruku examining him with his six eyes, "You can turn corpses' into weapons..."

"Yeah, pretty gross, and the higher ups did not like it one bit, but now I'm a special grade and they can't do a thing about it." Muruku laughed and high-fived Sazaku.

"I really hope the challenge tomorrow isn't like today. I tried not to, but some of the people I fought ended up dying," Sazaku said, "Only the final battle is when death guaranteed for the loser. Just. I hate killing people on the first round. A lot of them I'm sure were just trying to get their grade up."

"What do you mean?" Gojo looked at the girl.

"A lot of people who are selected by their district, just participate to get Sukuna to notice them and raise their grade." Muruku replied, "That's why death isn't guaranteed in every challenge except for the final battle."

"Oh..." Gojo nodded, and looked at his hands. If he was lucky, they would be stained with blood.

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