Grace and Redemption

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A veil flowed over your face as you walked wearing a beautiful gown. Gojo's jaw dropped. It reminded him of the gown you always wore for formal occasions, the one he always begged you to keep on. Except this one was extravagant. Your waist was accentuated, and your breasts pushed up in a regal way. Your hands delicate as you kept them folded in front of you. "Now is not the time, my dear. Touma will have to wait, I'm dealing with very important business."

"No, I was told by Megumi to come in here. He had one of his soldiers come and get me." Your voice echoed around the throne room.

Sukuna glanced at Megumi who spoke up. "I believe Y/N should have a say in the decision of what his execution will be, your highness."

You immediately turned around, and saw your former husband lying on the floor all bloodied and beaten.

"Princess! Y/N, my love! I'm sorry-"

You immediately turned back around and looked back at Sukuna.

He reached up and carefully removed your veil without messing up your hair. He then fixed your crown, and gently kissed you on the nose.

Gojo felt himself begin to hyperventilate at the sight.

Sukuna turned you around, and Toji immediately whistled. "What a beauty. You fucked that chick, Megumi?"

Megumi shot a glare at his father, and you looked down uncomfortable.

"What's happening, Ryomen?"

Sukuna chuckled. "We caught your former husband who broke your heart. We gotta execute him."

You turned around and looked at Gojo. Despite not being married to Gojo anymore, he was still the man you four years of your life loving. "What year are you from?"

Gojo felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't answer.

Megumi kicked Gojo in the head, "The empress asked you a question."

You immediately squealed out, "Megumi!"

Megumi stopped and immediately held his head down.

Sukuna just watched from his throne.

"What was the date when you were in the past, and brought to the future?" you asked again.

"Some time in September of 2018."

"We had been married for four years at that point." You spoke softly.

"Yeah..." The tone in Gojo's voice was full of emotion.

The room went silent.

"We tried for a baby, in October, right before you went missing." you gently played with the fabric of your gown. Sukuna's brow furrowed.

"I wish I was far enough in the future to know that."

"Me too..." your attitude towards the man became increasingly more obvious and Sukuna was catching on, "You did fulfill the promise you made to me the first night of being married."

"But I left you alone-"

"You left me pregnant. So technically I wasn't alone, I just couldn't save our child."

Gojo felt his heart break. This was not a scene that was supposed to be playing out. Anything but this.

"My love. He committed treason. He needs to be executed." Sukuna stood up and stood behind you, gently tracing his finger tips on the back of your neck.

"I know...but it's also the past version of him. He hasn't abandoned anyone or hurt anyone yet. He's just been thrown into the fire."

Sukuna narrowed his eyes, "Are you suggesting I don't execute him?" Sukuna turned his head so his lips were gently grazing your ear. Gojo watched in jealousy and betrayal.

You looked down at your former husband, then to Megumi. You then looked back to Sukuna. You tapped his ear to let him know you wanted to whisper in his ear.

Sukuna listened and his face went neutral. He stood up straight and took several steps forward.

"Gojo Satoru, my bride has made the decision to allow you to participate in the Gladiator Games."

Megumi immediately spoke up, "What?!"

"What is that?" Gojo spoke up.

"It's simple. Many nobles, generals and officials each nominate their own champion. That champion must participate in several competitions to determine who is the strongest cursed user in all of Japan. The person who comes out on top has the privilege to become one of my generals." Sukuna smiled, "However there is a consequence to losing. If you lose in the final round, you die."

Gojo's face lit up, and Megumi was in a state of complete disbelief, "Your Highness! He's going to win! You know none of our generals let alone a bunch of random champions across Japan can stand up to him. They'll lose!"

Sukuna stared down at Megumi, which quickly shut him up. "I haven't finished yet. I will be nominating my own champion. That champion will be you, Megumi."

Megumi's eyes widened. Gojo's joy wavered a little bit. Megumi had gotten strong, and he only had a taste of it in the middle east.

"Now Gojo, here is my proposal." Sukuna rested his hands on your stomach, "If you win I will give you your wife back."

You turned to look at Sukuna in shock, who gently grabbed your chin and turned your head to face Gojo.

"If you lose you will be put to death."

Gojo's face lit up, but he he had to know the full extent of the deal, "If I win, you'll still be hunting me, huh?"

Sukuna thought about it for a second. " What is it that you want?"

"I want the life I had with my wife back. I want to raise a family with her and not have to worry about you or anybody else coming to hurt her."

Sukuna nodded. "Deal. I will give you exactly that if you win the gladiator games."

Gojo smiled.

Megumi looked pissed.

"Megumi, you get in contact with the UUGS and tell them that if they don't sponsor Gojo Satoru in the Gladiator Games, I will personally insert you and myself into the search for their hideout and slaughter every man, woman, and child there."

Megumi nodded however he glared in Sukuna's direction. Megumi turned on his heels and began exiting the throne room.

"You have my money?" Toji spoke up.

Sukuna looked at Toji, "I have had brought to your new estate."

Toji nodded and smirked, following his son out the door.

Sukuna turned your head and gave you a sweet kiss on the lips before letting go of you. "Go call Inumaki, and have him escort Gojo to solitary confinement, and bring Touma out here, will you?"

"Ryomen, my veil-"

"Nope. I don't want you to wear that thing anymore. I want the world to see my wife's beauty. Bye my love." Sukuna smiled.

As soon as you left the room Sukuna's face twisted to one of anger, and he glared down at Gojo who was on the floor.

"You're lucky that woman is full of kindness and grace, otherwise I'd be hanging you on the cross I crucified your mother on and marching you down to the capital," Sukuna walked down to Gojo and crushed his face with his foot.

Gojo just glared and struggled.

Sukuna bent down and looked at Gojo.

"That woman is mine, so don't expect these games to be fair. And if you tell anybody at all, even your sponsors about the deal I have made with you, it's off and I'm executing you on the spot." Sukuna kicked Gojo and began walking away.

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