The Death Parade of Todo Aoi

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Rika tore through the men that surround him. Blood painted the walls as Yuta freed himself. He ran through the streets trying to find a way to escape, instead he found himself looking at the parade again. The parade had come to a standstill. All noises and motions had stopped as General Megumi Fushiguro had summoned the most powerful shikigami in his arsenal, Mahoraga. Mahoraga stood on Todo as Haruku and Isamu were being held up in either hand.

"Are there anymore of you?" Sukuna walked beside Megumi.

The three boys stayed quiet.

Mahoraga threw Haruku to the floor. Due to the force of the throw, Haruku's body splattered everywhere. The crowd cheered.

Isamu and Todo still stayed silent.

"Your emperor just asked you a question so you better answer before your friend gets thrown against the concrete too." Megumi glared down at Todo who was dumbfounded.

"No answer? I guess he gets it." Isamu was thrown high in the sky. He landed right behind the final parade float, his body fluids going everywhere. Again the crowd cheered.

"Todo, if you do not answer my question, things are about to get real messy."

Todo look horrified. He immediately answered. "No one else is here! It was just us!" To Sukuna it didn't matter whether he got information or not. He was the fearless leader who showed no mercy.

Megumi looked at Sukuna, who smiled and jumped to the hood that kept the seats on his parade float in the shade. "Now what do my loyal subject say? Should I let him live, or should I raise his head on a pike?"

The crowd immediately responded with cheering, "RAISE HIS HEAD ON A PIKE!"

The cheering made Yuta sick to his stomach.

"What should I do? I can't hear you!" Sukuna laughed.


"I should raise his head on a pike?" Sukuna smiled down at the many people who adored him, fainting at just his presence.


"My loyal subject have decided, and I have decided they have made a wise decision. WE WILL RAISE TODO AOI'S HEAD ON A PIKE!"

The crowd cheered. Mahoraga picked Todo up, and Sukuna used his power to cut Todo's head off.

The simplicity of it was the most horrifying part. Todo was yelling, struggling to free himself, and without a care in the world Sukuna cut off his head. The worst part was, Megumi, his former ally, just watched.

A sorcerer with the ability to force the growth of plants returned with a flowery pike. Megumi grabbed Todo's head by his hair and forced it down on the pike, blood splattering everywhere.

The crowd cheered as Sukuna held the head up in victory. The crowd began their horrifying song, "Put his head on a pike and he will see, the error of his ways! Put his head on a pike and we shall sing our lord praise!"

Yuta watched the terrifying procession, and right before he left, he thought he saw Megumi staring at him.

. . .

"WHAT?!" Everybody stared at Yuta in shock.

"Megumi is Sukuna's top general, in charge of every military branch and force in all of the Shogunate. He serves directly under Sukuna!" Yuta threw some pictures he took on the table.

"Shit...if they know Gojo is alive, there's no doubt that he'll be caught now..." Meimei groaned.

"That's just it! They know he's alive! That's why they did it. They knew if Gojo saw that he would either shit his pants in fear, or get all heartbroken at the betrayal." Higuruma threw his hands up in disbelief.

"He's right! How'd they even find out though?" Miwa looked around the room of fellow sorcerers.

"The census. During the first census nobody cared if their jujutsu technique information was given to the government. Now the government is forcing all jujutsu sorcerers and curse users to serve in the military, and they know every person in Japan who is a curse user. That includes Kiko. So when Sukuna hears that a little girl with time travel powers is gone, what do you think he's gonna do? He's gonna realize what's happening and he's gonna work to secure custody over that little girl. That's why the middle east was just split up into five districts!" The lawyer gripped his hair in irritation.

"Sukuna knows how to play the game just like us, the only difference is he doesn't give a shit about what anybody feels, so he's just better at it. That's called Machiavellian tactics, and he knows damn well when and how to use them." Higuruma kicked a chair.

"We just have to hope those three make it through the Middle East," Yuta sighed and buried his face in his hands as he took a seat on one of the hospital bed frames.

"They can damn well try, but the generals in charge of the Israeli border are Yuki Tsukumo, Toge Inumaki."

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