United Under Gojo Satoru

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Itadori tried to punch Gojo once he got through the gate, but Gojo kept his infinity on, 'What's this for Itadori? You don't actually think you can hurt me?" Gojo smirked.

"You almost killed Kiko!" Itadori had saved the little girl from the Shogunate soldiers, and thats how the group first met her. Itadori and Kiko had had a special bond the moment they met. Itadori remind Kiko of her older brother who was killed by the Shogunate soldiers who were trying to capture her. Itadori felt he had a duty to protect her since he failed to save her brother.

Kiko was lying on the floor passed out. Itadori turned to Yuta and slapped him. "You said this was going to be safe! You said she would be fine! You fucking lied! We didn't even need to risk it! Our 'only hope' already fucking lost! So are we gonna kill some poor little girl just so he can lose again?!"

"Get Itadori out of here, and get Shoko here immediately." Yuta pointed at a girl who was unfamiliar to Gojo. She had angle wings and a halo, and a presence similar to Itadori when he was possessed by Sukuna. Wait-why wasn't Sukuna possessing Itadori anymore? What could this mean? What happened? This was bad.

The girl escorted Itadori out of the room and Shoko came in immediately after. "I told you this would happen Yuta. The poor girl is only ten and is already using her cursed technique more than most adult curse users have in their entire lives."

"Does anybody want to explain to me what is going on here?" Gojo smiled with his hands up by his face.

"You better explain Yuta. This was your idea." Shoko got on the floor next to the girl and started to heal her.

"Right. So sensei," Yuta chuckled nervously, "welcome to the future."

Gojo laughed. "you're joking. This is a funny prank-"

"He's being serious Gojo." Shoko looked up at Gojo. In the room was only Shoko, Kiko (who was still passed out), Yuta, and Gojo. Todo had long since left to go check on Itadori.

"I'm in the future?"

"Yeah. This girl has the incredible cursed technique that allows her to open a gate to the past." Yuta smiled.

"That's amazing," Gojo bent down next to Shoko and started examining the small girl, "Why'd you choose to bring me back? I don't really see a reason for bringing anybody back in all honesty." He stood back up and faced Yuta.

"Well...we have a reason for it." Yuta scratched the back of his head.

"I think it's a stupid reason, just like Itadori." Shoko shook her head and the girl began to wake up. "Kiko, go find Itadori. The grownups are going to talk."

The little girl got up and looked at Gojo before getting shy and running out of the room. Shoko closed the door with her foot.

"What's the reason?" Gojo smiled brightly.

"We need you to fight Sukuna," Yuta looked down, knowing what was about to come.

"Oh yeah! I'll win too!" Gojo stood up proudly, "Why don't you ask the future me to fight him though?"

Yuta looked over at Shoko. "why are you looking at me? I didn't make this plan."

"Right...sorry..." Yuta mumbled, "Gojo, future you has already fought Sukuna..."

"And...?" Gojo saw where this was going but he wasn't going to believe it.

"You lost. Sukuna killed you Gojo."

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